时间:2019-01-25 00:56:55
Now for the second one.Try to get it into one of these cracks. 下面是第二根 最好插进那些裂缝里
Okay. That shouldn't be able to slip out. You know? 好了 这样应该不会滑出去了
I'm not sure whether that's a good or bad thing that I can't see the bottom because of all the dust. 由于全是尘土 我看不到井底 不知道这是好事还是坏事
Falling 50 foot into a hole in the desert will most certainly kill you. So you have to get this right. 掉进沙漠里一个十五米深的坑 会让你必死无疑 所以一定不能出错
My leg is
twitching1.But with the base of the pole in position,your body weight jams both ends in tight creating a kind of bridge. 我的腿在抖 只要树枝的两端都放稳 你的体重可以将两端踩实 这样就搭了一座桥
Alternate2 this from pole to pole you can make your way slowly down. 然后两根树枝交替使用 你就能慢慢爬下去了
Now this is working.Even when you think things are going well and the
temptation3 is to hurry,you've got to stay focused. 还是很管用的 即便你觉得一切进展顺利 心急火燎地往下冲 你也必须注意力集中
Concentrate only on the next step.You can't afford a mistake here. 专心想着下一步 这里发生意外可伤不起
I'm down.Definite feel quite
vulnerable4 down here. 我下来了 在下面确实 很容易受到攻击
Not a good place to be stuck with no way out.Okay.Let's get digging. 没有出路 不是呆着的好地方 好吧 开始挖
Hear that? I'm hitting water.The darkling
beetle5.Nod on that, trying to climb up the walls. 听到没 就要挖到水了 一只拟步甲 趴在墙上 想要爬上去
That's going to be a long journey.Probably one he's not going to make. 这将是一段长途跋涉 也许它永远也爬不上去