时间:2019-01-25 00:58:28
Beating the heat isn't just about finding water. 战胜高温不仅要找到水源
It's also about making the most of what you already have. 更需要你充分利用身边的一切
And I'm mostly gonna have a pee. 我得尿上一泡
It always feels
wasteful1 to lose good fluids straight into the sand, 让这么多液体 直接流进沙子里 总让人觉得心疼
but you can recycle pee to help you survive. 不过你可以回收尿液 来帮助你生存下来
Take your T-shirt and just pee on it. 脱下你的衬衫 再对着它尿
Try to capture as much of that fluid as you can. 尽可能多地 收集尿液
Rain it through the shirt and then I'm not wasting any of this to the sand. 要彻底浸湿你的衬衫 这样我才能 不浪费一点尿液
And even just, you know, a little bit of pee into the mouth it's just gonna help moisten it,take the edge off the thirst. 即便只是一点点尿液流入嘴巴 也能起到很好的湿润作用 缓解干渴的感觉
And you're not drinking it. It's just to wet your wet your mouth a bit. 你不一定要喝掉它 只是湿润你的 湿润你的嘴巴
And that's actually just wiping it on my face.It's cool to my face stand. 然后再用它 擦擦脸 让我的面部降温
You will see that.on the
infrared2 ray if you put that on. 如果开了红外线 你就可以看到的
You will see what a difference the fluids on the face makes as the pee evaporates and cools me. 你会看到我脸上的液体 产生了巨大的效果 因为尿液蒸发后使我降温
You see, the darker bit is where it's so much cooler than all of this. It's going to be bright and hot. 你看 深色部分 的温度要比这一块 低得多 这一块 温度很高 所以很亮
If I put this T-shirt on,that's going to keep me cooler. 如果再穿上这件衬衫 会让我更凉爽
As the fluid evaporates from the shirt,it will draw heat from my body. 随着尿液从衬衫上蒸发 能吸走我身体的热量