时间:2019-01-25 01:05:52
On the edge of the Sahara Desert I have come face to face with an ocean of water,but not a drop that I can drink.So I gonna step up to search. 在撒哈拉沙漠的边缘 我看到了一片汪洋大海 但不是淡水 我无法饮用 所以我得继续寻找水源
This looks like a tidal
estuary1.Tidal estuary could mean fresh water. 这儿看起来像是潮汐河口 潮汐河口说明可能有淡水
But not here.An estuary is where a river meet its sea,but it hasn't rained for a long time,so the river isn't flowing. 不是这里 河口是河流到达了它的入海口 但因为长时间没有下雨 河流已不再流动
However, you can track the fresh water down.Come on. Let's pick it up a bit now. 然而 还是可以追踪到淡水的痕迹 我们现在得加快点速度
Even a dry riverbed is worth following. 即使是干涸的河床也不应该放过
All of this stuff,is all sand far,it might not look like much,but this stuff can keep you alive. 这些植被 周围都是沙子 它看起来也许很不起眼 但却可以让你活下来
It's got enough moisture in it to help hydrate you. 它含有非常丰富的水分 能缓解你脱水的症状
You get this all along the coast on
estuaries2. 这种植物在河口沿岸随处可见
Let's fill our pockets, okay?Keep
munching3 on it. 让我们用这些塞满口袋 我接着嚼
The dried up riverbed may not have seen rain for some time,but it still sustains life. 已经干透的河床也许许久没有降雨 但仍然供养着生命
As long as I can get up high,it's a good place to set up camp. 只要爬得够高 会是个宿营的好地方
These acacia trees,these are always good in the desert.They give you good shade. 这些刺槐树 在沙漠里总能帮上你的忙 为你遮挡阳光
Also for shelter it means get off the ground away from the insects and animals that will give you grief in the night. 还可以提供庇护 帮你远离地面 避开那些会在夜晚袭击你的 昆虫和动物
Some big ones over here.Go right up into this one.Use some of these parallel limbs as well. 这里有几棵大树 可以直接在这树上宿营 利用这些平行的树枝