时间:2019-01-25 01:09:25
In self-rescue situations you have to keep moving and cover those miles. 在自我救援情况下 要一直前进 穿山越岭
Early morning is perfect for this,when temperatures can be between ten and 20 degrees cooler. 清晨赶路最理想 就是气温比正午凉爽十多度的时候
You really want to stick with the dry riverbed. 好好挖这个干河床
I'm confident that there is going to be water here somewhere.You have lots of trees growing. 某个地方肯定会涌出水来 这里还有树
It's a question of keeping going and finding the right place. 现在就是继续走 找到水源正确的位置
Worth a look here.Outside bend of a dry riverbed. 这里值得试试 干涸河床的拐角处
And overhanging rock and that's always the last place that the water is left. 仔细听听岩石 总会有个地方是剩下的水储藏地
This is getting a bit damper here.You see the different color of the sand. 这里润润的 沙土的颜色不一样了
But not really enough to get any water out of.We can find a better one than this. Let's keep going. 但是还不足以从中挤出水来 能找到更好的地方 走吧
At the base of the dry riverbed,it changes from sand to bedrock. 干河床 从沙土变成了岩石
The chances of finding
standing1 pools of water become far greater. 找到水源的机会 便大得多了
It's water.That is not going to be saltwater. 是水 不是盐水
It's like striking gold.In an
arid2 wilderness3 of baking rock, 这比找到金子还难 在充满炽热岩石的寸草不生之地
a pool like this would be a lifesaver to the desert
survivor4. 对沙漠求生者来说 这样的水池可真是雪中送炭
It's about 20 foot down there.But it's quite clear. 大约有20英尺高 水很清澈
I can see the bottom. It's about six foot.You can shallow jump and go in. 都能看到池底 池深约6英尺 可以跳下去
Shoot my legs out horizontal.I guess I can get in. 跳的时候要把腿伸直 我想我能成功