时间:2019-01-25 01:13:41
I'm Bear Grylls.I've traveled to the most dangerous parts of the planet to search the most extreme challenges,or, to show you have to survive. 我是贝尔·格里尔斯 我前往地球上的危险之境 只为挑战生存极限 并教你们如果险中求生
I've been to the edge.That's where the fun starts. 我曾游走在生死边缘 好戏就要开始了
But now I'm back to the countdown of my 25 favorite moments. 如今 我凯旋而归 奉献给各位我最爱的25个片段
Okay, let's go.I've taken on the toughest tests the natural has to offer. 好 我们走 我接下大自然最严酷的挑战书
I've pushed my mind and body to the absolute limit. 考验生理与心理的极限
It's often being painful.Gonna coming fast.I'm getting a
devoured1. 艰难险阻是家常便饭 动作快点 我的手被咬住了
And hasn't always gone to plan.That tastes like raw goat testicle before. 意外也时常发生 羊骚味太重了
I've been chewed up and
spat2 out.Very hot. 险恶的环境 近将我生吞活剥 热死人了
Come along for the ride. It's gonna be a blast. 做好准备 享受一场惊险大回顾
I've traveled to the ends of the earth,taking on the world's wildest places. 我的冒险之旅遍布天涯海角 远至那荒无人烟之地
Come on. Keep with me, keep with me. 加油 跟上我
It has been one hell of journey both for me and the huge
diligent3 team of people,who were with me every step the way. 这样艰险的旅程 对于我 及一路随我而来的摄制组来说 都是不小的考验
The team and I were always asked about our favorites moments from the show. 大家一直问我们 最喜欢的时刻有哪些
So we've put together the top 25 countdown of the very best. 因此 我们挑选了25个精彩片段 绝对够刺激
There are so many moments for me to remember in "Man vs Wild". 《荒野求生》中让我记忆犹新的时刻太多了
It's always been hard to narrow down to 25. 只挑出25个着实不易
But on a kickoff, 9000 feet up,in a helicoptor, looking down at a little desert island.Magic. 从飞翔于2.7千米高空的直升机上 看着底下渺小而荒芜的岛 再一跃而下 绝对排得上