

时间:2019-01-25 01:14:19



 When Bear falls out of the aircraft,behind him you see this little island, little's like a James Bond moment. 贝尔跳出机舱时 你可以看到他身下那个小小的岛屿 简直是007附身

We traveled to some of the most remote places on earth. 我们的目标是地球上最渺无人烟之地
For Sumatra Indonisia,just getting on the ground was a huge challenge. 在印尼苏门答腊岛 如何到达地面都是一项巨大的挑战
But letting go was the easy bit. 其实纵身一跳 还不算什么
My plan was to land on the water,but to do that,I need to release the parachute just before entry. 我的计划是水上降落 要实现这一目标 我必须在入水前那一刻  和伞包脱离
Nothing below me to judge distances,to tell me when to detach,there is a high risk of manoeuver. 下方无任何物体可用来判断距离 告诉我该何时脱离 失误的几率很高
Release too early,it'll be just like hitting concrete. 脱离得太早 就会跟砸到水泥地上一样惨
That is how to make an entrance. 这才是正确的入水方式
Number 24 is a time in Montana,when I was faced with one of my toughest ever climbs. 第24幕发生在蒙大拿州 在那里有我最艰难的一次攀登经历
That must be 200 foot high.At least. 肯定有200英尺高 只多不少
Stuck in the bottom of a steep-aside valley,my way out was up. 我被困于两侧都是绝壁的山谷中 爬上去才有出路
Climbing on that railway bridge in Montana I would describe it as butted1 clenching2. 蒙大拿的那次攀爬 惊险紧张  我一刻不敢放松
It looked big,but once you got pull way up,you really saw how big it was,but also how fragile3 it was. 它看着很高 但只有亲身爬上去 才能体会到它到底有多高 而且非常不稳固
I mean, that bridge was, was in excess of a hundred years old. 那座桥绝对超过一百岁了



1 butted 6cd04b7d59e3b580de55d8a5bd6b73bb     
  • Two goats butted each other. 两只山羊用角顶架。
  • He butted against a tree in the dark. 他黑暗中撞上了一棵树。
2 clenching 1c3528c558c94eba89a6c21e9ee245e6     
v.紧握,抓紧,咬紧( clench的现在分词 )
  • I'll never get used to them, she thought, clenching her fists. 我永远也看不惯这些家伙,她握紧双拳,心里想。 来自飘(部分)
  • Clenching her lips, she nodded. 她紧闭着嘴唇,点点头。 来自辞典例句
3 fragile gfzzs     
  • The old lady was increasingly fragile after her operation.那位老太太手术后身体越来越虚弱。
  • This glass disc looks very fragile.这个玻璃盘子看起来很容易碎。

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