

时间:2019-01-25 01:43:46



 I'm acrossed.Like most scenes on the show,it's probably best do anything at once. 我过来了 像节目中大部分场景一样 最好一次成功

Number 19, in the Sahara Desert,I had to get in and get in fast. 第19个是在撒哈拉沙漠 我要深入沙漠腹地  还得动作迅速
I love a gentle drive in the countryside. 我喜欢在乡下驾驶时静谧的氛围
The Land Rover was doing about 50 kilometers.And that sand's not so soft. 这辆路虎时速大约有50公里 这沙子可不算软
If we slow down in the hot sand,more than likely gonna sink and get stuck. 要是我们在炎热的沙漠中减速 就很可能会下沉  动弹不得
So when the driver gives me the nod,I'm gonna have to jump. 所以当司机向我点头时 我就得跳下去
What a great way to start with a mouthful1 of sand. 以满口黄沙来开始探险还真不错
Coming up on my greatest moments,I go on a fishing trip with a difference in the deep south. 继续回顾我的精彩时刻 我在南方腹地曾有一次特别的垂钓航行
Take the ride of my life in a biplane.And get in a fight with a bee. 乘坐一架双翼飞机 和一只蜜蜂缠斗
I'm Bear Grylls,and welcome back to my 25 greatest moments. 我是贝尔·格里尔斯 欢迎观赏最精彩的25个时刻
At number 18,it's a seriously committing2 rope traverse3 in Texas. 第18个 是在德州的绳索攀援
Oh, it's never easy, is it?It must be a good 60 foot straight down, this. 这就没轻松过  是吧 这儿的垂直距离肯定有近60英尺
Under the baking-hot Texas sun,I had to act fast. 在德州的烈日下 我得赶紧行动
Instead of turning back,I placed my trust in a length of rope and an old trap4 to get me across to the other side. 我没有往回走 而是拿出了一段绳子和一个旧铁爪 这些能帮我飞越过去
In a tough environment,sort of working with equipment that's substandard 在艰难的环境中 只能利用简陋的工具
and you don't know if it's really gonna hold. 你不知道绳子是否真能撑得住



1 mouthful yFbxr     
  • He wants to eat it up at a mouthful.他要一口把它吃掉。
  • He scooped up some water with his hands and took a big mouthful.他捧起水来喝了一大口。
2 committing 724ba0730054fa08f5ce69caa4361dd7     
v.保证(做某事、遵守协议或遵从安排等)( commit的现在分词 );把…托付给;把…记(或写)下来;承诺
  • He was accused of committing adultery . 他被控通奸。
  • He was very cautious about committing himself to anything. 他谨小慎微,从不轻易表态。
3 traverse mJ6zM     
  • We traverse the desert by truck.我们乘卡车横穿沙漠。
  • I have no intention to traverse that ground in my present lecture.在这次演讲中我不打算详细讨论这一点。
4 trap 7JCzJ     
  • The hunter laid a trap for the tiger.猎人设置了陷阱捕捉老虎。
  • Cheese is very good for luring a mouse into a trap.奶酪是引诱老鼠上钩的极好的东西。

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