时间:2019-01-25 01:44:25
Bull's-eye.Feels like it's caught. 正中目标 感觉很稳固了
I've chosen this one because looking back,it really could've ended very, very differently. 我选择了这一时刻 因为事后想想 结局很可能会迥然不同
risky1 stuff. It's hot in the mouth.The rope's holding so far. 这个任务很艰巨 人都口干舌燥的 到目前为止 绳子还算稳固
But there was always that chance it could slip. 但很可能会松动
And it blooming did while he was on it. 而他在绳上时 还真就松动了
This is working quite nicely,Oh, my god. 绳子质量还不错 天呐
Bad place for the anchor to slip! 停在这儿 可真是糟透了
It's that ability to use that level of fear and anxiety. 他需要利用那种情况下的恐惧和不安
Not let it take over you.Because that could be
disastrous2. 而不是让它左右你 因为那样很糟糕
Number 17 happened in Vietnam,when I was given a
brutal3 reminder4 of the
awesome5 power of water. 第17个经典片段发生在越南 那一次 洪流强劲的水力 让我永生难忘
When you're operating in an extreme environment,things can change really quickly. 你在极限环境中行动时 事物变化极快
Stop, stop!The water level here is definitely rising. 停下 停下 这水面肯定在往上涨
Look back up to the waterfall.There's definitely more water coming down that. 看后面的瀑布 很明显 流下来的水量也越来越大
Okay, I want us out of the water. Okay? 我们快点上岸
And suddenly, the level of risk goes from fairly steady to...pooh! 危险系数从比较稳定瞬间蹿升到...
With the water level rising by the second,I knew we had to act fast. 因为水面上涨速度过快 我明白我们得赶紧行动了
Up you come, up you come, up you come.Good, I've got you, I've got you. 往上爬 往上爬 往上爬 很好 我够到你了 够到你了