时间:2019-01-25 01:46:37
At number 15,it's a magic moment with creating fire. 第15名 是我钻木取火的魔法时刻
Chihuahuan Desert, Western Texas,I was setting up camp for the night. 在德克萨斯州西部的奇瓦瓦沙漠里 我当时在搭晚上睡觉的帐篷
Look, there's a whole cave up here. 看呐 这有一个大洞窟
My plan was to build a fire using an ancient survival technique,the hand drill. 我计划用一种古老的方式 来生一个火堆 钻木取火
No matches, no flints.Just two bits of wood. 没有火柴 没有打火石 只有两条小木棍
To start a fire in any environment without matches is a tough
undertaking1. 在任何没有火柴的情况下生火 是个很艰难的过程
Okay, that's the rough shape of it,and then what you want is just a tiny, little pinch of sand. 好的 雏形出来了 接下来要做的就是要加一点点沙子
And that's gonna add a little bit more
friction2. 这样一来就能增加一点摩擦力
It does take, you know,a good level of skill and
craftsmanship3. 那的确很... 考验一个人的手艺 是技术活
And what you want is a continuous
plume4 of smoke coming from the ember pan, 我们想要的效果呢 就是这个灰烬堆里 冒出缕缕青烟
and then you know you got the potential to make fire.Come on. 那个时候 你离生火 就不远了 给点力啊
You do see it happening. You do the right techniques. 真的能见到的 只要你手法正确
It's - it's wonderful, wonderful to watch.Super gently with this, just tip that in. 就能见到那个美好而神奇的场面 一定要慢慢来 小心地把它倒进来
And what you want to do is tip it like this so it stays as one ember. 接下来要做的就是 这样把它堆起来 弄成一团灰尽
Okay, there we go.However many times you do it,nothing beats that feeling of creating fire. 好了 成功了 无论你经历过多少次 成功生火的那种愉悦是无可替代的