时间:2019-01-25 01:50:40
I'm Bear Grylls,and welcome back to my 25 all-time greatest moments. 我是贝尔·格里尔斯 欢迎继续收看我的25个精彩时刻
So far, I've eaten the unthinkable.Taken a few tumbles.And had to run for my life.Run! 目前为止 我已经吃了几个小怪兽 跌了几个大跟头 还拼死逃过一次命 快跑
All that, and we're only
halfway1 through the countdown. 不过更精彩的前半部分排名还没揭晓呢
This is in here at 13,and it was difficult and dangerous,and I definitely had second thoughts. 这个是第13名 这一次经历异常艰险 我回忆起来仍旧胆战心惊
Hurricanes rage through here,earthquakes rip it up,and molten
lava2 spews from volcanoes.Welcome to Guatemala! 这里飓风肆虐 地震不歇 熔岩从火山口中飞溅而出 欢迎来到瓜地马拉
That was a
risky3, risky entrance. 那次着落真的非常非常冒险
In Guatemala, we planned to rappel from the helicopter down onto an active volcano,and that then became interesting. 在瓜地马拉 我们原计划是从直升机上 顺着绳子降到一处活火山上 而之后事情变得越发有趣了
There's no way the heli's gonna be able to land on the volcano itself, 直升机根本没办法降落在火山上
so I'm gonna get the pilot to
hover4 just above the summit and then follow this rope down. 所以我叫飞行员控制住直升机 让它在山顶上方盘旋 然后我顺着这条绳子下去
And I've never done that on a volcano before. 这种事我还从来没在火山口上挑战过
You know, we had pilots who didn't speak any English,so we had to have an interpreter there. 我们的飞行员一点英语都不会说 所以必须由翻译转述给他
So there's always a delay.Okay, can we go forward 10 and down 10? 因此总是有一点时间差 可以再往前几米然后往下降几米吗
There's all these winds doing different things up there.Are we good? No, not yet.We've just -- not yet. 空中狂风大作 直升机很难控制 好了没 还没 还...还没到位
You know, the very nature of the
terrain5 there,on a slope, with a helicopter, the rotor's turning,wind's doing everything, the pilot's fighting. 那里的地形非常复杂 地势陡峭 螺旋桨不停地转 周围还狂风大作 飞行员很拼命了
Bear is on the rope.Okay.The end of the rope is sometimes on the ground.Sometimes it's five feet, ten feet up. 贝尔已经在绳子上啦 好的 绳子底端一会儿再地上 一会儿又离地二三米