时间:2019-01-25 07:35:40
Man, the first thing that hits you about this place is just the heat and the humidity1. 天 到这的第一个难关就是 要克服高温湿热的天气
I could feel it just coming in close to the ground. 我在下降过程中就有湿热感了
It's like being in a very hot
steamer2. 就像个高温蒸汽机
Okay, let's get this thing laid out.You can use this as an air marker. 好 先把降落伞平铺开 你可以把这个作为航空指示标
So if search and rescue are looking for me, 如果有救援队正在搜寻我的话
something big and bright for them to see from the air. 他们可以从空中看到这个明显的标记
When someone is lost in the wilderness,aerial reconnaissance is vital. 当人们迷失在荒野时 空中搜寻相当关键
Make yourself seen from the air,and it may save your life. 有人在高空看到你的标记 这可能就是你的救命稻草
Might well be, through, that nobody knows you're
missing3 and nobody is out there even looking for you. 也有可能 没人知道你失踪的消息 外界没有采取救援措施
And if that's the case,then you need to work out which direction to go. 在这个情况下 你就需要确认接下来往哪个方向走
And in the northern territories,your best option is to head north to the coast. 在北澳 最佳方案就是向北部的海岸线前进
90% of Australians live on the coast. 百分之九十的澳大利亚人住在海岸线附近
But if you do have to make that difficult decision to travel, 如果情况只允许向前走
be certain of the direction you're heading in and don't
deviate4. 那么先得确定好你的方向 千万不能走偏
I'm gonna use a shadow stick to work out which direction is north. 我要用杆影 来辨认出哪里是北边
Cast a shadow straight down here,and I'll mark the end of that shadow with a rock, 现在的影子在那里 放块石头在影子的末端
wait 15 minutes or so, shadow will move,and we'll get an idea of our direction. 等待15分钟左右看影子的移动情况 这样就能找到我们的方向了