时间:2019-01-25 07:37:26
Check this out.Just get down here.There's a bit of water. 瞧 从这下去 有一小滩水
It's probably gonna be rainwater that's come down here and collected. 有可能是雨水 流淌进来之后被积攒了下来
The thing is, because it's shady,the water's not gonna evaporate. 因为这里是庇荫处 所以水不会蒸发掉
Come on, then.I've still got this
charcoal1.I can make a really simple sort of filter with that. 那就来吧 我还有点儿碳 可以做个简单的过滤器
The biggest danger is drinking water containing bacteria that will cause diarrhea or vomiting,and that can lead to severe
dehydration2. 喝下被细菌污染的水危险至极 会使你上吐下泻 引起严重脱水
Crunch3 this up into nice, small granules. 捏成大小适当的小颗粒
Got a bit of gravely, bigger stuff,then on top of that, just some of these grasses. 再抓一把大个的 然后最上层 垫些草
You see how dirty that water is?Put it through here. 看见水有多脏了吧 从这里滤过去
Let that just run, just get any of the dirt out of it. 让水尽情流 把脏东西都冲掉
Give it a couple of gos before we start drinking from it. 喝之前多过冲几次
For me, this is what survival is all about a simple idea using natural resources, and it works. 对我而言 生存即意味着 利用自然资源进行简单创造 屡试不爽
You see how clear that is coming out. 瞧 出来的水多干净啊
It's never going to be 100%,but it takes a lot of the dirt out. 不可能百分百纯净 但是很多脏东西都滤去了
And the carbon and the charcoal filters out a lot of other
impurities4 as well that you can't see. 碳粉和木炭同时还滤得出 很多看不见的杂质
Oh, man. That is good.You got a desert this hot,you find a little hole like this with rainwater in it,you got to make use of it. 老天 真带劲儿 能在这么热的戈壁 找到这么一个蓄水的小洞 必须要充分利用了
You ought to stay here till you're well-hydrated before you move on again. 在继续行进之前 好好呆在这 补充好水分才是王道
I've had my fill. Now it's time to get going.See if we can get around this corner. 我喝饱了 是时候踏上征途 看看能不能绕过这个旮旯