时间:2019-01-28 00:56:18
That's a good find.Actually, what the aboriginal1 women would often do with these snakes 长见识了 事实上 土著妇女 常常这么处理这些蛇
is bite the head, give it a yank to break the neck. 咬住脑袋 猛地一拉扯断它的脖子
Be a bit careful doing this, though,that you don't get bitten yourself in the process. 这么干可要小心点儿 以免自己被咬了
The way to do it is quickly in and out so the neck's broken. 要点是迅速一咬一松 脖子就断了
Okay, good.That's food.Food secured. 搞定 很好 有饭吃了 食物到手
Like trying to eat rubber bands. 跟啃橡皮筋似的
But soon I go from the hunter to the hunted as I enter crocodile country. 但是很快 在我进入鳄鱼王国之后 就从捕猎者变成了猎物
I'm Arnhem Land, northern Australia. 我身处澳大利亚北部的阿纳姆地
I've just plucked a file snake from the river. 刚从河里捉到一条矬蛇
It will feed me tonight,but first I need to cook it. 今天的晚餐有了着落 但是首先得先烤了它
Gonna grab this for making fire. 用这个来生火
Bet your bottom dollar that this isn't the first time 我赌你全部家产 这肯定不是
somebody's tried to start a fire in this cave with a hand drill like this. 第一次有人在这个岩洞里 钻木取火
Aboriginals2 would have been using this as a
friction3 fire tens of thousands of years, 土著人肯定已经 成百上千次这样钻木取火
and it's a pretty rare kind of connection through the ages. 难得的情景再现啊
I want this to be as smooth as I can so I doesn't create any
blisters4 when I start to spin it. 我要把它削得尽量平滑 这样旋转的时候手就不会起水泡了