

时间:2019-01-28 00:57:03



 We'll use this as a baseplate,create a bit of a notch1 in it here. 用这个做基座 切个小凹槽

Just to make a little indentation.Start if off with a little pinch of sand or gravel2. 小小的凹痕就可以 开始钻的时候  加点沙子砾石
Just put on there. That's gonna create even more friction3 and heat. 放上去就可以了  这样可以加大摩擦
And then as you create an ember,it will drop down into the tinder and you get it flaming.That's the theory. 一旦生出炭火 炭火就会掉到火种上  火就着起来了 理论上是这样的
Trust me, the practice is always much harder. 但是相信我  说时容易做时难
It can take hours to light a fire this way,And you often end up with more blisters4 than embers. 像这样生火可能要花上好几个小时 最后往往都是满手起泡  火却生不起来
Patience is the key.You want to take your time initially5.Just build up that heat. 关键就是要有耐心 最开始不需要那么着急 只需要摩擦生热即可
And keep the drips of sweat off falling onto the ember. 还有不要把汗滴到炭火上
Building up the heat and building up that friction. 提高温度  加大摩擦  
And then once you've got that heat,you can then start really putting in the effort and start to speed it up a bit. 一旦开始发热 就可以开始真的着力 加快转动速度
Okay.Just tip that in.Gather this up gently.There's no hurry at this stage.This ember will keep burning for a little bit. 好了 把这放进去 慢慢地把这些捧在一起 现在不用太着急 炭火会持续燃烧一段时间的
And there's fire.Okay.Lay it right in the middle. 火生起来了 好了 把它放到中间
And then just cover him up with lots of embers and some more wood as well. 在上面堆上更多的炭火 再放上一些木头
Okay, that's going nicely now.Leave that 15 minutes or so to cook. 进行的很顺利 让它烤15分钟左右就能吃了
In the meantime, go and grab some materials to make something to sleep on. 同时我们去找一些材料 打造个睡觉的地方



1 notch P58zb     
  • The peanuts they grow are top-notch.他们种的花生是拔尖的。
  • He cut a notch in the stick with a sharp knife.他用利刃在棒上刻了一个凹痕。
2 gravel s6hyT     
  • We bought six bags of gravel for the garden path.我们购买了六袋碎石用来铺花园的小路。
  • More gravel is needed to fill the hollow in the drive.需要更多的砾石来填平车道上的坑洼。
3 friction JQMzr     
  • When Joan returned to work,the friction between them increased.琼回来工作后,他们之间的摩擦加剧了。
  • Friction acts on moving bodies and brings them to a stop.摩擦力作用于运动着的物体,并使其停止。
4 blisters 8df7f04e28aff1a621b60569ee816a0f     
n.水疱( blister的名词复数 );水肿;气泡
  • My new shoes have made blisters on my heels. 我的新鞋把我的脚跟磨起泡了。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • His new shoes raised blisters on his feet. 他的新鞋把他的脚磨起了水疱。 来自《简明英汉词典》
5 initially 273xZ     
  • The ban was initially opposed by the US.这一禁令首先遭到美国的反对。
  • Feathers initially developed from insect scales.羽毛最初由昆虫的翅瓣演化而来。

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