时间:2019-01-28 00:58:29
I've thrown myself headfirst into one of the harshest places on earth Arnhem land, northern Australia. 我头朝下把自己扔到了 地球上最残酷的地方 澳大利亚北部的阿纳姆地
If the landscape doesn't get you...the wildlife will. 如果你觉得陆地景色平平 这里的野生动物会让你印象深刻的
Wow. Look at that head.And a new day will bring new challenges. 哇 看那个头 新的一天 新的挑战
On our way.Quite a mad place in here. 出发 这里真是个疯狂的地方
Oh, now, look. Spider in here.It's a huntsman spider. 来 看 这里有只蜘蛛 这是只巨蟹蜘蛛
He's called a huntsman,he won't build a web.He'll
actively1 go out and hunt his
prey2. 之所以叫巨蟹蜘蛛 是因为它不结网 它会爬出来行动 寻找自己的猎物
And that's the nasty bit of him.Take the head off. 看起来真恶心 把头切掉
Take the
fangs3 out.And that really is fine to eat. 把牙弄掉 这样差不多就可以吃了
It's not very appetizing, but that's fine.Okay, moving on. 不是非常的可口 但是还好 好了 继续前进
This maze-like landscape,riddled with rocky outcrops,is so disorientating. 这个迷宫似的地貌 遍布着拔地而起的岩石 让人很没有方向感
You can't see far ahead, and it's easy to stray off course. 根本看不到远处 很容易迷路
Actually, look. That one's even higher.Let's get up there. Come on. 实际上 看啊 那一座更高 我们爬上去 来吧
Finding a high point will provide a much-needed view and let you plan your route through. 找到一个制高点 可以让你找到方向 计划好路线
It's all sandstone, well-weathered.Still want to be a bit careful of this stuff.Can be pretty loose. 到处都是天然雕琢的沙岩 还是要小心为妙 山体结构可能会很松滑
This is a
tricky4 climb over 60 feet. 这需要很高的爬山技术 有60多英尺高
But if you risk nothing, you gain nothing.It's worth the gamble. 但是不入虎穴焉得虎子 值得赌一把