时间:2019-01-28 01:03:10
Faced with an aggressive predator,my nerves are on edge. 与这种凶残的食肉动物打交道 我必须时刻绷紧神经
Even the smallest
ripple1 makes me wonder what's lying below. 水面上的每一个波纹都会让我担心
Need to find a way across this river. 我得想个办法穿过这条河
Somehow, way off course now.This isn't that great. 但是 情况有点失控 这可不妙
You know, there's only 20, 30 yards water.Look, just so
benign2. 这条河大约只有20至30码宽 河水看起来很平静
Still, calm you think,There can't be any dangers in that. 你仍然可能自我安慰说 这条河还是很安全的
But there are saltwater crocodiles in here,and the consequences of over confidence basically death, you know. 但是这条河里还是藏有咸水鳄 大家都知道 过度自信往往都是 自取灭亡的前奏
Look. See, all these trees almost reaching across the river here. 还有这些树 基本上已经横跨了整条河流
Just not quite.Keep going and see if we can find a better one. 但是还不够保险 我们再找找看有更合适的树
It does go across the river all the way.Gives us the camera.Let's just do this. 借助这棵 绝对能够横跨这条河了 把摄像机给我 准备跨河吧
See, it's pretty solid at this stage. 树的这个位置还很稳固
It's just it's gonna get more and more bendy the higher I get. 但是我越往上爬 树就越容易摇晃
There's a local story where three guys were swimming when they
spotted3 a large crocodile in the water. 当地有这样一个故事 有三个人在游泳的时候 与一条大鳄鱼相遇了
Two of them made it to a tree, the other was taken. 两个人成功逃到了树上 另一个则被咬住了
It then went quiet for five minutes until the croc returned with their friend's torso still in its
jaws4. 水面平静了五分钟后 那条鳄鱼嘴里叼着他们朋友的尸骨 游了回来
The croc then waited in
ambush5 for the other two under the tree for two days until, finally, they were rescued by helicopter. 然后那条鳄鱼在树下蹲守着 另外两个人 长达两天两夜 一直守到他们被直升机救走
Look. There are bubbles there.I'm worrying about the crocs, but I've got to stay focused. 看 那里有水泡冒出来了 鳄鱼的出没会让我分心 但是我必须集中精神
It's no time to lose concentration.Okay. 现在可不是走神的时候 好啦