时间:2019-01-28 01:54:16
Whoa, okay, we're in.Even if it is an ice-covered river. 好了 我们进来了 即使是冰封的河流
When you're moving through the wild,you can never predict what obstacles lie ahead. 当你在荒野中行进时 你永远无法预测前方会有什么障碍
But today I know exactly what to expect. 但是今天我能预测到
My team are with me to give nature a
helping1 hand and ensure that I face her at her wildest. 我的团队要助大自然一臂之力 保证我看到她最狂野的一面
Temperature's well below freezing. 温度完全在零度以下
You can see we've got a big frozen lake in front of us here. 观众们可以看到在我们面前 有一个已经冰冻的湖
And what we're gonna do is cut a channel actually into the ice 我们要做的就是 打开一条通往湖中的通道
And then show you what happens if you fall through the ice and get submerged. 然后向你展示如果失足踩裂冰面 被淹没之后会发生什么
It's gonna be a cold one. 看着就很冷啊
Every year in canada, 45 people fall through the ice and die from cold-water
immersion2. 加拿大每年有四十五人掉入冰窟 溺毙于冰水之中
The danger is very real. 这危险是真真切切的
Temperatures recently dived to minus-40 degrees here,and the ice was a foot thick. 这儿的温度大约在零下四十度 冰有一英尺厚
The crew will monitor my vital signs as I swim under an 18-foot ice bridge, 工作人员会监视我的生命体征 我会在十八英尺长的冰桥下游泳
negotiate a long, open channel,and then take on another bridge,this one twice as long. 穿过一条长的开放水道 然后游过另一座桥 这座桥三十六英尺长
Diver going in the water.A diver goes in for one final check. 潜水员要下水了 最后检查之后一个潜水员下水了
The danger for me here is very clear. 眼前的危险很明显
If I swim off at an angle and miss that exit hole,I'll be trapped under the ice. 如果我游歪了 错过出口 我将被困在冰水之中
The crew will film me above and below the surface,and to show my heat loss,They'll use a
thermal3 imaging camera. 工作人员将跟随拍摄我在冰上冰下的活动过程 并且记录我身体的热损失 他们将使用的是热感摄像机