时间:2019-01-28 01:55:20
Okay, first thing you've got to do is fight that sense of panic that's very natural 首先 你要做的是 在跳进这样冰冷的水中之后
when you're in freezing-cold water like this. 和自己本能产生的恐慌抗争
And instantly, I feel my heart rate,just goes straight through the roof. 在一瞬间 我能感觉到我的心跳速率 在急速上升
And the danger of that is cardiac arrest.You've got to try and slow it. 最危险情况的莫过于心脏骤停 因此 你必须试着让心跳慢下来
Slow it, and keep that panic away.Okay, under the ice. 慢慢的 不要惊慌 好的 冰下之旅开始了
The danger for me here, guys,is not getting the line right. 大家看 对于我而言 在冰下最危险的就是游泳把路线游错
If I start heading offline.You got to keep eyes on me, okay? 我入水之后 你一定要盯紧我 好吗
We got no safety line here. Need to get it straight. 这里没有保险绳 必须游直线
Survival is all about understanding and controlling your reflexes. 求生考验的就是 你对于自身反应的了解和控制
Watch as my heart rate drops from 160 beats per minute to 55. 看 我的心跳 从每分钟一百六十下降到了五十五下
It's known as the mammalian dive reflex. 这被称为哺乳类动物的潜水反射
When your face is submerged in cold water,the heart slows dramatically. 当你的脸浸入冰水之后 心跳会立马减慢
It gives you vital extra seconds to make it to the surface. 这给予了你一小段至关重要的时间 让你能够游回水面
Burning sensation in the eyes.
Literally1 just numbs,numbs your vision. 眼睛内有灼热感 就是眼力变得迟钝和麻木
Two minutes in,and already my body's falling victim to the cold. 入水的两分钟 我的身体已经完全被冰冷征服
vessels2 in my muscles are constricting,starving them of oxygen. 肌肉里的血管开始收缩 急需氧气的补给
Fatigue3 is also kicking in. 精疲力尽之感也越发强烈