时间:2019-01-28 01:56:38
Well, I can feel my extremities1 are just beginning to slow up here. 我现在感觉到 手脚的开始有些不听使唤了
I've been in four minutes now,and my skin temperature has dropped off the scale. 我已经在水中待了四分钟 体表温度下降的速度犹如云霄飞车一般
His skin temperature's gone from 83 to 32 degrees.That's freezing. 他的体表温度从28度下降到了0度 真是冷的可以
And the Inuits have a thing to test whether their hands are getting too cold when they're fishing. 因纽特人在钓鱼的时候有一个方法 用来检测他们的手是否冻的太僵
If they can no longer touch their finger,Little finger and thumb together, 即 他们能否合拢指尖 小拇指和大拇指如果无法合拢在一起
it means they got to start warming their hands up. 那就意味着他们得把手暖和暖和了
The clock's ticking.Stay in here another few minutes,and you'd be unable to swim. 时间在一分一秒的过去 再在里面待几分钟的话 你将无法游动了
After 10 minutes, you'd be unconscious and drown. 十分钟后 你会失去知觉随即沉入水底
This is the longest ice swim I've ever attempted. 这是我尝试过的时间最长的冰水游泳
It's a big ask for my already weakened body. 对于我已经虚弱的身体是一项巨大的考验
My head.Got to get out of here. 我的头 必须得起来了
What you do next could mean the difference between life and death.Actually feel quite faint. 接下来你要做的 有可能事关生死 我感觉头非常的晕
Get stuck like this in the wild without any crew,and you've got to kick into
survival4 mode. 如果没有救援人员 被困在这样的地方 一定要学会使用生存技巧
I'm gonna show you what to do to make it out alive. 我将告诉你怎样自救