时间:2019-01-28 01:57:12
Okay, I'm wet, cold,and I've got to act fast before I start losing all feeling. 我湿透了而且全身冰冷 在我失去知觉之前 我得快速行动
Problem is I don't want to put these clothes on when I'm this wet. 问题在于 我不想在身体湿漉漉的时候 穿上衣服
It would just make the clothes wet.I'm gonna get into the snow and roll in it. 这只会把衣服弄湿 所以我得扑向积雪 在上面打滚
And what powder snow will do is its crystals will absorb a lot of the moisture, 这样一来 积雪 会将我身上大量的水分吸走
Just take some of that off me so I keep my clothes dry. 没有了水分 衣服就不会湿了
Okay, let's get an outer shell on.The snow has done its job.Now to get my clothes back on. 好的 快穿上我的保暖盔甲 积雪已经发挥了它的功效 现在赶快穿上衣服
Oh, god.Actually feels like my toes and fingers have been stuck in a fire. 我的老天爷 事实上 我感觉我的手指和脚趾 都像在被火灼烧着一样
It's a
weird1 sensation.Extreme cold feels sort of like extreme heat. 这是一种不可思议的感觉 冷到了极致就仿佛是热到了极致
It's just really, really painful and almost unusable. 这真的非常的痛苦而且让我难以动弹
Once you leave the freezing water,your body starts pumping blood back to the
extremities2. 一旦你离开冰冷的海水 你的身体就开始向手和脚供血
It's known as the afterdrop,and with the blood diverted,your core temperature can then
plummet3.You need fire and fast. 这个现象被称为复温 但是随着血液的回流 你的体内的温度会开始下降 因此你需要尽快生一堆火
Oh, my...They always talk about that golden five minutes after you've been in extreme cold water. 我的老天... 人们常说 在极其冰冷的水中待过之后 有一段时间被称为"黄金五分钟"
Even though you're cold,what you have working for you is adrenaline. 尽管你冷的不行 现在正是肾上腺素发挥作用的时候
You've got to use that adrenaline just to fire you,to keep you going until you've got a lifesaving fire. 你需要肾上腺素给你能量 让你能够为自己点燃救命之火