时间:2019-01-28 01:59:41
I'm in the Canadian Rockies on a special mission,taking control of the elements. 我在加拿大落基山脉进行一次特殊任务 对付恶劣天气
We've set off an avalanche,whipped up a blizzard,and carved out a
frozen1 lake. 我们设置了一次雪崩 制造了一场大暴雪 切开了一个冰冻的湖
Fighting your way through the wild to safety is my kind of
survival2. 在荒野努力求存 是我的生存方式
But sometimes knowing when and where to stop is the key. 但是有时候知道何时何地应该停止才是关键
Of all the environments, it's the cold where a good shelter 在所有的环境中 寒冷条件下 一个好的藏身处
can make the difference between life and death 可以决定生死
keep you warm, keep you dry,and that's what you need to make it through very cold nights. 它能让你保持温暖干燥 那正是你需要的 这才能熬过寒冷的夜晚
I've spent nights out in some of the coldest places on earth. 我在地球的一些 最寒冷的地区度过几晚
Places where the temperature dives once the sun goes down. 那些地方只要太阳一下山 温度就迅速下降
I am freezing, freezing cold,And I've just looked at the
thermometer3 on the camera. 我要冻僵了 好冷啊 我刚看了相机中的温度计
And have a look. See what it's reading.It's saying minus-30 degrees. 瞧瞧 看见读数吧 零下三十度
And really, at the moment,This is just becoming an
endurance4 exercise. 真的 就在当时 这正在变成一次忍耐力锻炼
Building a shelter and making fire takes time and uses vital energy reserves. 搭个棚子 点起火 花点时间让生命力复苏
But it's always worth the effort. 但是这很值得
I'm about to show you what difference they really make To surviving long, cold nights in the wild. 我将告诉你 要在荒野中度过寒冷长夜 这些棚子可以起多大作用
Okay, I want to get this cross member up nice and high. 好吧 我想把横梁高高挂好
And I also want the heat from the fire to come up,be caught, and
circulate5 through my shelter. 我也想让火焰传来的热量迅速上升 在我的小棚子里循环