时间:2019-01-28 02:09:56
On this run, I've got no ice axe1. 这次 我没带冰镐
To stop, you got to roll over,raise your body up, 要停下来 你必须翻过身 撑起身体
and dig hard into the snow with your hands and feet. 手脚并用 尽力往雪里插
Very fast,faster than expected. 非常快 比想象中的快多了
But exactly how fast?37 miles an hour. 具体速度多少 每小时六十公里
You'd get a ticket in an urban place in the U.K. with that speed. 这速度在英国市区 就要领罚单了
With no ice axe,stopping my slide was a real challenge.It took 180 feet. 在没有冰镐的情况下 想停下来绝非易事 一共滑行了五十五米
That's half the length of a football field. 那有半个足球场的长度了
Now to head back to the top and try again,this time with an ice axe. 再回山顶试一次 这次用冰镐
And how much quicker can I stop? 这回能比上回快多少呢
An ice axe like this can
massively2 help you arrest the fall. 这样的冰镐 是下滑中的制动法宝
The danger is you're traveling very fast, 不过在高速下滑过程中它也是个危险
you've got something very sharp,very close to your body and close to your head. 如此锋利的刀面 会紧邻你的身体 甚至你的头部
It just means you got to be absolutely certain of your technique before you go. 这也就意味着 你必须在下滑前 确保它万无一失
hitch3 these up again, do my Simon Cowell.Okay, here we go. 提紧裤子 看着我点 我上了