时间:2019-01-30 05:29:42
It's not easy, you know?You've done amazing. You really have, you know? 知道吗 真难受 你已经表现得十分出色了 非常不错
This whole journey would be hard in beautiful conditions. 虽然有美景环绕 但整个旅途充满了艰险
We've had it cold. We've had it continually wet. 我们经历了严寒 遭遇了持续的潮湿天气
You know? That's what's sapping.But you've done amazing. 这些东西让人大伤元气 但你已表现得很出色了
Survival is all about digging deeper than you ever thought you could. 生存就是一场发掘自己的潜力 超越自己极限的游戏
I need to kick the guys into gear now. 我现在得激励激励这些家伙
I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this point. 不知道现在是该笑还是哭呢
I'm learning not to ever go out in the
wilderness1 by myself,that's for sure. 我明白了永远不要一个人跑进荒山野岭 这一点毫无疑问
We've only got four hours to hit the valley floor and reach our exit point. 我们只剩四个小时 前往谷底 抵达救援点
Next up, we cross miles of
stagnant2 swamps...This doesn't smell too good. 接下来 我们要穿越一段漫长发臭的沼泽 真难闻
before facing our final challenge,a glacial river.Let's go home! 接着是最终的挑战 横渡冰冷刺骨的河水 快回家吧
I'm in British Columbia's wilderness with two hardcore fans,Joe Resto and Sean Lacoste. 我与两名本节目的铁杆粉丝 身陷不列颠哥伦比亚省的荒野 他们是乔·莱斯特和肖恩·拉科斯特
Over nearly 48 hours,I've pushed them to their absolute limits. 经过将近四十八个小时的历练 他们已达到了自己的极限
Oh, man.The guys are
exhausted3, and they're low. 天哪 他们筋疲力尽 情绪低落
I'm wet. I'm cold.The rain won't stop. Just me off. 又潮又冷 雨下个不停 放我走吧
We're now well below the tree line and
wading4 through
bog5 known as muskeg. 现在我们已经过了森林线 涉水穿越一片青苔沼泽地
You know, be really careful as you tread. 每踏一步都要格外小心
It's real ankle-twisting stuff,all these tussocks of grass in between all the
marsh6. 在这草丛遍布的沼泽中前行 一不小心就会崴到脚
Every step is one closer to shower,to food, to New York. 每走一步 温暖的浴室 热乎的食物 可爱的纽约离我们就近了一步