时间:2019-01-30 05:38:49
Okay. Kit1 open. Dry kit on.All right, dry clothes.I've never met Joe before, I've never met Bear before. 好了 找出衣服 把它们穿上 好了 干燥的衣服 我跟乔和贝尔都素昧平生
But when it comes to out here, you have to trust people. 但你一旦处于这种环境中 就要信任同伴
And that trust is big when you're going through adventures like this, you know? 在这样的探险活动中 那种信任将显得至关重要
I don't want to ever do that again. 我再不会这么做了
Hopefully, I won't have to.Get jackets on, ropes stowed.We need to get moving.Let's go. 但愿不用 穿上外套 收好绳子 该上路了 走吧
Yeah, these guys have just done amazingly. 这些家伙干得真不错
They arrived here scared and pretty wide-eyed. 他们刚到这时 睁大了眼睛 完全吓坏了
They've been cold, wet, and a bit
bumped2. 他们经历了严寒 潮湿和一些颠簸
And for me, that's what
survival3 is all about. 对于我来说 这就是生存的全部
You know, it's about coming through those emotions and then winning at the end and making it out. 你必须经受这一切考验 并最终取得胜利 凯旋而归
Good guys Come on.Here she comes.That's it, guys- end of the journey.You've done it. We're going home. 好样的 走吧 天使来了 直升机来了 伙计们 旅程结束了 你们成功了 我们要回家了
Oh, my God.That's a sweet, sweet sound. 上帝啊 这声音太美妙了
The last 48 hours have been huge for us all. 过去的四十八小时对我们来说非同小可
It's been
incredible4 to watch the guys' strength and confidence just grow. 我惊喜地看到在这个过程中 他们的勇气和自信有所增长