时间:2019-01-30 05:39:53
I'm Bear Grylls. Whoo! 我是贝尔·格里尔斯
I go to some of the most dangerous places on earth to show you what it takes to make it out alive. 我将向您展示 如何从地球上 最危险的地方 逃出生天
I've traveled the globe, facing challenges in the sort of places you wouldn't last a day without the right
survival1 skills. 我走遍世界 面对各种生死考验 若无求生技巧 你命在旦夕
Now I'm in the Mojave desert,one of the hottest places on earth. 本集 我来到了莫哈韦沙漠 这是世界最热的沙漠之一
This time, we're bringing the worst of the wild to me 这里我将直面最恐怖的荒野
so I can show you how to survive the most extreme environments. 并告诉你如何在 极端的环境下生存
My team will be giving mother nature a
helping2 hand to make sure conditions are as bad as they can get. 摄制组将助纣为虐 确保境况险恶至极
I'm gonna experience the
brute3 force of a flash flood. 我会体验到残暴的山洪
Show you that your reactions are no match for the deadly rattlesnake. 告诉你会让人致命的响尾蛇的反应 永远比你快
See that? Whap! Like lightning. 看到了吗 真是迅雷不及掩耳
and take on a
massive4 man-made sandstorm head on. 我还会顶着铺天盖地的人造沙暴
It's reading 99 miles an hour. 这里显示99英里/时
What's your altitude at right now?Just past 25,000.Copy that. 你们现在高度多少 刚过7600米 收到
I'm in the desert to put my body to the test in one of the
harshest5 environments on the planet. 我将置身沙漠之中 体验世界上最严酷的环境之一
First, I face a free fall for 30,000 feet the highest jump I've ever done. 首先 我要完成3万英尺的伞降 这还是我体验过最高的高度
Down on the desert floor,temperatures
soar6 into the hundreds,but up here, it's mind-numbingly cold. 在沙漠的表面 气温已飙升至100多度 但在高空 则冷得彻骨
Okay, we're down to minus-33 already. 这里只有零下36度了
It's colder than I expected,and we've still got a lot of climbing to do. 虽然已经很冷了 但是我们还得继续攀升
Okay, we have about 10 minutes to altitude.10 minutes to altitude. 十分钟后到达预定高程 重复 十分钟后到达预定高程