时间:2019-02-20 00:33:15
Copenhagen sits on the east coast of Denmark, a country that consists of the Jutland Peninsula and a series of small islands. 哥本哈根坐落于丹麦东岸,后者是由日德兰半岛及一系列小岛组成的国家。
Separated from Sweden by the Oresund Strait, this Nordic city is Denmark's capital. 而与瑞典隔着松德海峡相望的这座北欧城市——哥本哈根,正是丹麦的首都。
With cutting-edge restaurants set amidst cobblestone streets and
picturesque1 canals, 高档餐厅林立于鹅卵石街道与如诗如画的运河之间,
Copenhagen is a perfect combination of fairy-tale magic and modern-day cool. 哥本哈根可说是童话魔法与现代流行的完美结合。
There is no better way to understand the city's charm than with the uniquely Danish word, "hygge," 如果你想了解这座城市的魅力,没有任何话语能比“hygge”这个独特的丹麦语单词更能完美诠释它了,
which describes a
cozy2 and soulful state of mind. “hygge”描述了一种惬意且深情的心理状态。
It is a word that you can't quite put your finger on, but you'll know it when you feel it. 这是个你没办法精准解释的字眼,但只要你感受到了,就会懂的。
And in Copenhagen, hygge is everywhere. 而在哥本哈根,“hygge”无所不在。
Hygge can be found in the candles that brighten the windows and the warm sense of
enchantment3 that fills the streets. 点亮窗台的烛火中,充斥温暖陶醉感的街道上,你都能找到“hygge”的影子。
It can be found in the colorful
wharves4, the city's beautiful gardens, 它也在色彩斑斓的码头上,城市美丽的花园中,
and as the sun goes down, it can even be found in one of Europe's oldest theme parks. 甚至在夕阳西下时,你能在全欧洲最古老的主题公园中看到它。
One of the very best ways to enjoy Copenhagen is the way most locals do, by bicycle. 享受哥本哈根最棒的方式之一,就是跟当地人一样——骑自行车。
The city is laced with almost 250 miles of bike lanes, and cycling is a way of life for all ages. 这座城市的自行车道连绵将近250英里,无论男女老少,骑自行车都是他们的一种生活方式。
Head to Nyhavn, a 17th-century waterfront and canal district that is full of color and character with its many bars and cafes. 你可以前往新港,这里有一座十七世纪的滨水和运河区,里面酒吧与咖啡厅林立,将此区填满色彩与特色。
Enjoy a meal at one of the restaurants, or grab a drink and watch the boats
glide5 by. 你可以在其中一间餐厅享受一餐,或一边啜饮着美酒,一边望着船只从水面上开过。
This is the Little
Mermaid6, one of Copenhagen's most recognizable characters. 这是小美人鱼铜像,哥本哈根最著名的人物之一。
Created from a story by Hans
Christian7 Andersen, she's just a short stroll away from the wharves. 小美人鱼是安徒生笔下的故事创造的角色,从码头漫步一小段路,你就能看到她。
Discover real-life
royalty8 at Amalienborg, home to the much-loved Danish royal family. 你也可以到阿马林堡皇宫探索真实的皇室生活,备受爱戴的丹麦皇室家族就住在此地。
Catch the Changing of the Guard ceremony, which takes place every day at noon. 记得抓准时机观赏每天中午的卫兵交接仪式。
For more fairy-tale magic, head to the Tivoli Gardens. 如果你想要体验更多童话故事般的魔法,就前往蒂沃利花园吧。
This park has delighted generations since 1843 and holds a special place in Copenhagen's heart. 这座公园从1843年开放以来世代带来欢乐,在哥本哈根占有一席之地。
Take a ride on one of the oldest operational wooden roller coasters in the world, 你可以搭乘至今依然运作、也是世界上最悠久的木头云霄飞车,
or spin through the sky in the towering Star Flyer. 或搭上高耸的星空飞行旋转飞上天空。
Watch a pantomime, ride a dragon boat, or enjoy the Tivoli's
stunning9 gardens. 也可以观赏一场哑剧,划着龙舟,或徜徉在蒂沃利令人目眩神迷的花园中。
For a little more nature, take a picnic and enjoy Copenhagen's many other green spaces. 如果你想拥抱更多自然,就在哥本哈根许多其他绿地上享受野餐吧。
Visit the Botanical Gardens, which are close to the center of town and famous for its historic glasshouses. 你可以造访植物园,它坐落于市中心附近,且以历史上著名的温室闻名。
Hip10, charming, or just plain magic, however you define Copenhagen, 时尚、迷人或只是单纯的魔法,不管你怎么定义哥本哈根,
it is easy to understand why it regularly tops the list of the world's happiest cities. 这座城市经常得到世界最幸福城市第一名的原因都不难理解。
Like the fairy dust that seems to be in the air here, hygge may be hard to define, but it's easy to feel. 这里的空气仿佛洒了精灵粉,“hygge”可能很难定义,却很容易感受。
So, slow down, relax, and enjoy the beautiful moments this city has to offer. 所以,慢下来,放轻松,享受这座城市带给你的美妙时刻。