陨落星辰第一季 第130期:越狱
时间:2019-02-20 01:36:18
Dad! Give me something to tie him up! 老爸!找东西把他绑起来
What are you doing here? 你来这里干嘛
Well, we tried to make it to the five-mile mark, and we couldn't. 我想试图赶往五公里标志处,但遇到了阻碍
We saw fresh signs of Skitters and Mechs. 新来了一批突击者和械甲怪
First thing. 第一个跟他说的
What about the attack? He didn't care. 进攻行动呢。他不在乎
We are "punching through." 他说我们要"冲出包围圈"
Dai's coming around. 戴回来了
Dad, what are we gonna do with him? Leave him. 老爸,怎么处理他?留在这里
Oh. You son of a bitch. 你个狗娘养的
We got to find a way to stop Weaver. 我们得想办法阻止韦弗
He's weak, but he'll pull through. 他很虚弱,但会好起来的
I know you're hurting, Dai, but this is important. I need to know about Porter. 戴,我知道你很痛苦,但事关重大。我想知道波特那边的情况
An hour after I reached Porter's post, the Skitters and Mechs hit. 我到达波特的指挥所一小时后,突击者和械甲怪来袭
Porter was pinned down...probably dead by now. 波特被困在里面,现在可能已经死了
Dead? 死了
His team laid down cover fire for me. 他的队伍为我提供火力掩护
I got hit when a Mech blew up. 我被械甲怪爆炸后的碎片击中
Dai, this is important. What were Porter's orders? 戴,事关重大,波特的命令是什么
The other
regiments2 -- they never reported in. 其他兵团,都没有发回信息
Runners went out, never came back. 传令兵出去就再也没回来
And Porter said that without
confirmation3 the 4th and 5th were alive, 波特说,如果不能确定第四和第五团还健在
the attack should be
aborted4. 就应该取消袭击行动
You told that to Captain Weaver? 你跟韦弗上尉讲过吗
All of it. This mission... is no good. 全都讲了。这次任务计划得不好
So, we're in this alone? 这么说,我们是在孤军奋战
Weaver sure doesn't have a problem with tall
odds5. 韦弗根本不管自己胜算有多大
It's not like him to disobey an order from Porter. What is he thinking? 违抗波特的命令不是他的风格。他是怎么想的
He's thinking he's gonna go ahead with the mission, facts on the ground be damned. 他想继续执行这个任务,可现实很残酷
So, how do we stop him? He's got all the fighters and all the weapons. 那怎么阻止他?他掌握了所有战士和武器
Most of them. Not all. 大部分而已,并非全部
What the hell? What happened? 怎么回事?出什么事了
It was Mason and the kid... Jimmy. 是梅森和那个孩子...吉米
Jimmy? Try to keep this from the
civilians6. We don't want a panic. 吉米?别让平民知道这件事,不要引起恐慌
Grab four men we can trust and find Mason. 找四个亲信把梅森找回来