
陨落星辰第一季 第133期:化干戈为玉帛

时间:2019-02-20 01:39:08



 You're fast, Maggie, but not that fast.  玛吉,动作很快,但还是没我快

Sorry...but you may want to reconsider that, professor. 教授,对不起,你最好还是重新考虑一下
Dad, what's he doing? I thought you talked to him. 爸,他这是怎么了。我以为你跟他说过
I did.  说过了
My apologies, Cambridge, but, uh...  是我不对,大学者,不过...
I just couldn't bring myself to defuse those charges.  要我拆除雷管,我做不到
I figured I had a choice of either sitting around or...killing1 cooties, 我想我得做出选择了,要么坐以待毙,要么杀掉这些畜生
and, uh... cooties win every time.  而畜生们每战必胜
But you'll be happy to know that those bombs are beauts. 但你肯定会很高兴这些炸弹可都是杀人利器
They're gonna cause a lot of damage.  杀伤力很大
No, they won't...  不会了...
Because when Pope came to warn you, I took the blasting fuses. 因为玻普来提醒你的时候,我已经扯掉了引线
Bombs are out of commission.  炸弹没用了
Where are they?  炸弹现在在哪
The aliens can't kill us fast enough?  外星人对我们的杀戮还不够吗
We have to do it for them?  我们还要自相残杀
Where are the damn fuses?  引线都他妈哪儿去了
All right, you said that the only way this is gonna work 好吧,按你的说法,人们相信他们的指挥官
is if people have faith in their commanding officer.  才能成功
That goes both ways.  这个要互相信任才行
You have to have faith in them.  你要对他们有信心
I'm doing this for them, for all of us.  我这么做是为了他们,为了我们大家
All right, then tell them the truth.  好吧,跟他们实话实说吧
Tell them Porter's gone... Dad, whoa. 告诉他们波特已经死了。爸
...and that this attack, whether we live or die, isn't gonna be just a command decision. 这次进攻,不管最终我们是死是活,都是上级命令,不可违抗
We don't have enough people left for a suicide mission.  我们经不起这样的自杀式行动
Go ahead and do it. Go ahead.  快动手吧,快啊
If shooting me keeps the 2nd Mass together, go ahead and do it. 如果杀了我能换来第二军的团结,那就快动手吧
I'm not gonna be the one that pulls it apart.  我不想让第二团分裂
There's another way.  还有一个办法
What?  什么
You can trust our people the way they trust you. 你可以像民众信任你一样完全信任他们
C-captain.  上尉
Jimmy?  吉米
We want to follow you -- all of us.  我们想追随你,大家都是
You just have to let us.  只要你答应我们
Put down your weapon.  放下你们的武器
What the hell are you doing?  你到底想怎么样
Lower your weapon.  放下武器
I'm not saying you're right.  我虽不赞成你的说法
But they deserve to know the facts of the mission.  但他们理应知道此次任务的真相
Call for volunteers. But they got to hear both sides.  召集志愿者,但要让他们知道利弊
And they will... 'Cause you'll be right there beside me. 当然...因为你会在我旁边
Jimmy, gather everyone in the gym. 10 minutes. 吉米,让体育馆里的人集合。十分钟以内
Y-yes, sir.  是,长官



1 killing kpBziQ     
  • Investors are set to make a killing from the sell-off.投资者准备清仓以便大赚一笔。
  • Last week my brother made a killing on Wall Street.上个周我兄弟在华尔街赚了一大笔。

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