陨落星辰第一季 第134期:动员大会
时间:2019-02-20 01:40:20
You sure you're ready for this? 你真的准备好了吗
Yeah. Yeah. 好了。当然
By the way, I quit taking those pills since we got back. 对了,我回来后一定不嗑药了
I don't need to tell you people what's at stake. 现在形势险峻,不用我说大家也明白
We all been living on the edge since these alien things came. 自从外星人侵入后,我们就一直这样苟延残喘
Tomorrow's assault on the structure in Boston was meant to be a first strike 明日袭击波士顿基地的行动将是我们的第一次反击
However... Colonel Porter lost contact with these regiments several days ago. 然而...波特上校几天前已经和这两大军团失去联系
And now it looks as if the Colonel himself might have been lost. 现在看起来上校可能已经阵亡了
Dai brought back the Colonel's last order-- 戴带回了上校的最后一个命令
abort3 the mission unless we can confirm the existence of these other units. 除非我们能确保其他队伍安然无恙,否则就终止任务
We still don't know if these other units exist... 我们现在还不知道其他队伍是不是还存在
or if they intend to carry out the attack as planned. 不知道他们能不能按计划发起进攻
But I know... that if there's a breath left in any of those men, 但是我知道只要这些士兵们还有一口气在
they will do their damnedest to carry out this attack. 他们绝对会尽全力发起进攻
And if that happens, despite Porter's order... 一旦真是这样,即便没有波特的命令
the 2nd Mass has to be there to back them up. 我们第二团一定得赶去支援他们
But this attack, as critical as it is, cannot be our only objective. 但是这次进攻虽然关键至极,但并非我们的唯一目标
We have a responsibility... an obligation to...protect our
civilians4. 我们有责任,更有义务保护这些平民
And sometimes, in our desire to strike back, we forget...that they represent our future. 而且有时我们太渴望反击,却忘记了他们才是我们的未来
So I'm asking for volunteers. 所以我要征集志愿者
I need 50 fighters for this mission. 这次任务我需要五十名战士
If you're with me, meet me in front. 如果你们想加入,站出来
I'm in. Go to the front. Let's do this. Let's get this job done, man. 我来。去前面。我们该行动了,把它们杀个片甲不留
It's time for some payback. Let's go, guys. Aw, hell. 反击的时候到了。各位,我们走。见鬼
It's true. The fighters can't do this unless they know their people are in good hands. 确实如此。战士们只有知道他们的人民安然无恙才会投入战斗
It's gonna sound strange, but I wish I was going with you. 这么说可能有点诡异,但是我还是希望能跟你一起去
Porter knew what he was doing when he made you my second in command. 波特任命你做我的副官,就表明他对这一切都了然于胸
Keep these people safe. 保护这些人的安全
Okay, everybody, let's get our gear together. 好了,各位,整装待发
We want to be able to move out as soon as our strike team comes home. 我们要确保在攻击队伍回来的时候能马上出发