生活大爆炸第八季 第165期:物种起源
时间:2019-02-28 00:55:19
Which book are we looking for? 我们要找哪本书?
Here it is. There's a black light. 找到了。里面有个黑光灯。
Oh, hang on. 等一下。好了。
Oh, okay. Uh, Brothers and sisters I have none, but this man's father is my father's son. 我没有兄弟姐妹,但这个人的父亲是我父亲的儿子。
Who am I looking at?" Yeah, yeah, we get it, you want brains. Calm down. 请问这个人是谁?好了,我们知道你想吃大脑。别闹。
Well, if I don't have a brother, my father's son is me. And if I'm this man's father, then he's my son. The answer's "son." 如果我没有兄弟,那我父亲的儿子就是我自己了。如果我是这个人的父亲,那他就是我儿子。答案是儿子。
Ooh! There's a picture of the sun over there. 那里有一张太阳的照片(同音)。
I bet the key's behind it. 钥匙一定在后面。
Could be somewhere else! 也可能不在后面哦!
Oh, got the key! 找到钥匙了!
So, that's the key to the door? That's it? 所以这就是开门的钥匙了吗?就这样完了吗?
We spent $200 on six minutes of fun? 我们花了200大洋,就玩了6分钟而已?
It's like when you bought that remote-controlled helicopter, and it just...flew away. 感觉就像是你买的那台遥控直升机,结果就...飞走了。
Sorry, guys. Really thought the puzzles would be better. 对不起了,各位。我本以为谜题会更难一点呢。
Well, to be fair, we do all have advanced degrees. 说句公道话,我们都是有高等学历的人。
Remember that before you post on
Yelp2! 网上点评的时候别忘了说这句哦!
If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone? 如果你将在今晚死去,没有任何再与他人交流的机会,你最后悔没有把什么事情跟别人说?
So, it would be today? Well, I suppose there's something satisfying about dying on my birthday. 那就是今天?在生日这天死亡也还算是某种满足吧。
Today's your birthday? 今天是你生日吗?
Yes. 是的。
Well, that's always been a secret! Not even Amy knows! 你一直都当秘密没说!连艾米都不知道!
Well, I don't enjoy presents. 因为我不喜欢收礼物。
And the thought of people jumping out and
yelling3 "Surprise!" fills me with more
dread4 than the words "George Lucas Director's Cut." 以及想到一大堆人蹦出来大喊"惊喜!"比"乔治·卢卡斯导演剪辑版"更让我心怀恐惧。
So, why did you finally tell me? 那你为什么又对我说了?
The point of the experiment is to be completely honest with each other. 这个实验的重点就是对彼此绝对坦诚。
Well, thank you for sharing it with me. I won't tell anyone. 谢谢你愿意告诉我。我不会说出去的。
Thank you. 谢谢。
That is so funny. I never would have
pegged5 you for a Pisces. 太好玩了。我从来没想过你居然是双鱼座。
You're making it difficult to love you right now. 你在增加我爱上你的难度。