生活大爆炸第八季 第184期:烤面条
时间:2019-02-28 01:20:47
Okay, so we've got, um, three briskets, four meatloafs, one lasagna...-No, that's noodle kugel. 我们现在找到了3块鸡胸肉 、4坨烘肉卷、 1份千层面...-不,那是烤面条。
Jewish1 lasagna, two pound cakes that are about eight pounds each, and one giant container of matzah ball soup. 1份犹太千层面、2份各重达8磅的磅蛋糕,还有一大盒的面丸子汤。
Ma always kept it on hand, in case I got sick. She thought she could cure anything with her cooking. 妈妈总是备好丸子汤,以防我生病了。她觉得她的菜包治百病,甚至连食物中毒也能治。
Even the time I got food
poisoning2. From her cooking. 其实那次就是她的菜害我中毒。
You okay? 你还好吗?
Yeah, I'm okay. Let's get started. 我没事。我们开始吧。
You got it. 好的。
I'm never gonna talk to her again. 我以后再也没机会和她说话了。
Should we tell everyone not to come? 要不我让大家今天别来了?
No. I want to do this. 不,我想要办这次聚餐。
Okay. Well, I'll keep it together if you can. 好吧,我们都要坚强点。
Okay. 好的。
I'm not making any promises! 人家可不保证哦!
Glad you guys could make it. - Of course. 你们能来真是太好了。-一定得来呀。
Wow, it looks really pretty in here. 这里看起来好漂亮啊。
Yeah, turns out half a dozen menorahs really sets a mood. 是的,半打犹太烛台还挺能烘托气氛的。
So, Stuart, have you thought about what you'd do if Howard sells the house? 斯图尔特,如果霍华德卖掉了这房子,你要怎么办呢?
And there goes the mood. 气氛立马灰飞烟灭。
Hi. Hello. Oh, and a special hello to Leonard, who needs to be mentioned by name. 嘿,大家好。还要特别向莱纳德问声好,因为他特别需要被提到名字。
But you got it, right? 但你懂我意思,对吧?
Hey, guys. -Hey. -Hi. 各位好。-好啊。-好啊。
I just want everyone to know, uh, tonight's not a sad
occasion4. 我只想让你们知道,今晚不是一个悲伤的场合。
Yeah, we just want to have the kind of dinner that we've all had here so many times before. 我们只是想重温一次大家都在这吃过无数回的晚餐。
Good food, good friends, and
sometime5 around midnight, heartburn that makes you pray for death. 一桌好菜 、一群好友、 以及半夜时令你抓心挠肺的胃灼热感。