生活大爆炸第八季 第185期:去厨房帮你
时间:2019-02-28 01:21:49
Do you need any help in the kitchen? 需要去厨房帮你吗?
No, we got it. You guys make yourselves comfortable. 不用,有我们就够了,你们自己随意就好。
All right, hey, you two, we're here for Howard right now, okay? 你们俩记住,今晚的主角是霍华德,好吗?
Yes, so please behave yourselves. - Fine. - Of course. 对啊,表现乖一点。-好吧。-没问题。
So I heard you two, uh, wrote a paper together. How's that going? 我听说你俩一起写了一篇论文啊。结果怎么样?
This food is amazing. 这些菜太好吃了。
Mm, and not a vegetable in sight. 而且一点蔬菜也没有。
That's not true. We've got tomatoes right here. 错了,这里有好多"番茄"呢。
All these bright people sitting around a table by candlelight. Feels like we could be an 18th century French
salon1. 一群聪明人围着烛光坐成一圈,感觉仿佛回到了18世纪的法国沙龙。(沙龙最早出现于16世纪意大利)
Indeed. Penny, a salon is a
gathering2 where intellectuals entertained each other with sparkling conversations about issues of the day. 没错。佩妮,沙龙是指知识分子们围在一起讨论时下最新的事件。
Oh, so it's like The View. 所以就跟《访谈》节目一样嘛。
Sheldon, The View is a daytime talk show hosted by women. 谢尔顿,《访谈》是一档女性主持的日间节目。
Oh, I'm aware. It features Whoopi Goldberg. She played Guinan on Star
Trek3: Next Gen. Penny, Next Gen refers to Star Trek...- Shut up. 我知道。里面有琥碧·戈博,她在《星际迷航·下一代》中扮演了吉南。佩妮,《下一代》是指星际迷航的... -闭嘴。
I would like to propose a salon topic. 我愿意提一个沙龙话题。
Ooh, please do, Rajesh. 愿听其详,拉杰什。
The lead in The Hunger Games is a woman.
Marvel4 has made "Tor" a female. 《饥饿游戏》的主角是女人,漫威也将"托尔"改成了女性。
Wait, who's Tor? 等等,谁是托尔?
You know, Tor, the God of "Tunder." 你懂的吧,托尔,"雷神"啊。(其实是索尔Thor)
As I was saying, is this a sign that our society is approaching
gender5 equality? 综上所述,这是标志着我们的社会逐步走向性别平等吗?
Certainly a lot more women are reading comic books now. 现在很多女性也爱看漫画了。
It's true. At the store, I had to put a seat on the toilet. 这是真的。我还得为店里厕所装上个马桶坐垫。
We won't know if there's equality until female Thor has a baby and the Avengers are cool with her pumping breast milk at work. 在女索尔生孩子后,而其他复仇者们不介意她在工作场所挤母乳之前,性别平等还很难说。
I wonder if only a baby who is
worthy6 can suckle at the
bosom7 of Thor. 我在想什么样的孩子才有资格能吸雷神的奶子。(雷神之锤梗)