生活大爆炸第八季 第187期:你嫉妒死了吧
时间:2019-02-28 01:23:02
She said my name first; that must kill you. 她先叫的我,你嫉妒死了吧。
I don't know what you think you're doing, but this is a very difficult time for my husband! 我不知道你们俩是闹什么呢,但我老公现在可是很难过!
We're eating the last food his mother ever made, and you were gonna throw it at each other like children? ! 我们吃的是他老妈最后做的食物,你们俩还想学熊孩子把饭拿起来乱扔吗?!
Whatever it is you're fighting about, put it
aside1, go back in there and be a good friend to Howard or there's no dessert for either of you! 不管你们俩吵什么,给我憋回去。滚回桌子,乖乖当好霍华德的朋友,不然甜点没你们的份!
Look at me when I'm talking to you! And don't think... 我在跟你们说话呢,看着我!别想...
You guys ever notice sometimes Bernadette sounds like my mom? 你们注意到,有时候博纳黛特和我妈说话有点像吗?
I don't hear it. - No, not at all. 没听出来啊。-哪有,完全没有。
I don't think I've eaten that much in my
entire2 life. 我这辈子没吃过这么撑。
It's why my people
wandered3 the desert for 40 years. Took that long to walk it off. 所以我们族人在沙漠里暴走了四十年,才能把肚子里的东西消化掉。(犹太人祖先出走埃及后,曾在沙漠度过40年的漂泊帐篷生活)
You see,
Penny4, the Israelites were in the desert...-Shut up! 佩妮,是这样的,以色列人在沙漠中...-闭嘴。
So glad you two are done fighting. 太高兴你俩不吵了。
Right now, I'm just trying to burp without throwing up. 现在,我只想怎么把嗝打出来才不会吐。
Hang on. Physics Today mentioned the paper. 等等。《今日物理》提到了我们的论文。
What'd they say? 他们怎么说?
Who cares? Did they mention Leonard? 谁在乎?他们提莱纳德了吗?
They did. 提到了。
Yay. 太好了。
Good news, I found more Tums. 好消息,我又找到抗胃酸片了。
Yay! 太好啦!