
生活大爆炸 第九季:第10集 谢尔顿的发疯之路(下)

时间:2019-03-01 01:13:25



 Look at this. Trent is rebuilding a vintage motorcycle. That is so cool! 看看这个,特伦特在组装古董摩托车,那真是太酷了

Old broken things are so much better than new things that work. 老旧坏掉的东西远比全新能用的赞太多了
Who's Trent? Oh, he's our fan. Fan of what? 谁是特伦特,他是我们的粉丝,粉你们什么
Did you forget? We're in a band. 你忘了吗,我俩组了个乐团啊
You mean because you played one time in the comic book store? 就因为你们在漫画店演出过一次吗
And at the children's hospital until they asked us to leave. 还有儿童医院,虽然最后被人赶走了
Hey, dude, Trent just checked in at the coffee shop on Fair Oaks. 兄弟,特伦特刚在一家费尔奥克斯的咖啡店签到
Really? You want to go down there and meet him? 真的吗,你想去见见他吗
Are you stalking him? That's creepy. 你们要跟踪人家吗,太变态了吧
It's not creepy. I built a Footprints on the Moon fan page, Trent joined it. 那不是变态,我创建了我们乐团的主页,特伦特加了进来
After that, all I did was check out his profile, go back in the archive of his feed until I found his Twitter handle. 在那之后,我只需点开他的个人档案查找他以前发表的东西,直到找到他的推特用户名
From there, it was easy to find him on Instagram, Snapchat and pretty much track his every movement. 然后就很容易在照片分享应用上找到他,接着就能掌握他的一举一动了
So if you think that's creepy, you married the wrong guy. 如果你觉得这样很变态,那你可真是嫁错人了
Maybe I should marry Trent. 或许我该嫁给特伦特
Yeah, like she could get Trent. 是啊,那也得她泡得到他啊
This is delicious. Thank you. 真是太好吃了,谢谢
Been a long time since I had a homecooked meal. 我很久没吃过家常饭了
When you were married, did your wife cook? 你结婚之后,你的妻子不做饭吗
Not at first, no. But when she began cheating on me with a French chef, she became quite the wiz in the kitchen. 一开始不做,但在她背着我跟一个法国大厨偷情之后,她快变成了特级厨师
So, a little silver lining1. 也算一丝慰籍吧
I suppose. Yeah. Nothing takes the sting out of a shattered life like a properlyseasoned bowl of onion soup. 算是吧,没有什么比一碗精心调味的法式洋葱汤更能让破碎的生活变得好接受了
How long have you, uh, lived here? 你住在这里多久了
About five years. I'm actually thinking of moving to a better place now that I don't need to be so close to...Well, you know. 大概五年了,我其实正打算搬去一间更好的公寓,因为我现在不用住得那么近好去载...你懂的
I do. The brilliant physicist2 that I now know lives in the area, not that I care. 我懂,那位出色的物理学家,我现在知道他也住附近了,不过我"毫不关心"
Yeah. Anyway, he doesn't drive, so, I pretty much had to take him everywhere. 总之,他不开车,所以他去哪儿基本都得要我载
Had to or got to? Sorry.  My fault. I brought him up.  Yeah. 你是逼于无奈,还是三生有幸,抱歉,我的错,是我先提他,是啊
Well, let's change the subject. No more mentions of youknowwho. 我们换个话题吧,不要再提那个谁了
That's a cool train. Where did you get that? 那火车好酷啊,你从哪里买的
This song is never going to stop. 这歌真是根本停不下来啊,你们遇到过这种烦人无极限的事物吗
That's a trick question, right? 这是陷阱题,对吧
Well, I shouldn't be surprised. There's a rich history of brilliant minds descending3 into madness. 我不应该感到惊讶,历史上有不少的睿智之士最后沦为了疯子
Come on, Sheldon.There are plenty of smart people who don't have mental problems. 拜托,谢尔顿,还有好多不是疯子的聪明人呢
Yup, she's right.For every Newton who had a psychological issue, there's an Edison who was just a jerk. 她说得对,这世上每有一个精神病牛顿就会有一个混蛋爱迪生
That could totally be you. 这混蛋完全有可能是你嘛
Empedocles thought he was a God and jumped into a volcano. And Pythagoras had an irrational4 fear of beans. 恩培多克勒以为他是天神,跳进了火山,毕达哥拉斯对豆子有莫名的恐惧
Tesla fell madly in love with a pigeon who he claimed loved him back. Maybe he just had bread in his pocket. 特斯拉疯狂地爱上了一只鸽子,还声称那只鸽子也爱他,也许是他口袋里有面包
The list extends outside of science. Painters like Van Gogh and Pollock, chess champion Bobby Fischer, Brian Wilson of the Beach Boy... 这个名单可以延伸到科学界之外,比如像梵高和波洛克那样的画家,国际象棋大师鲍比·菲舍尔,海滩男孩的布莱恩·威尔森
Know if words could say But darlin', I'll find a way I remember the song! It's called "Darlin'" by the Beach Boys! 言语已无法表达,但是亲爱的,我会找到方法,我想起这首歌的名字了,是"海滩男孩"的《亲爱的》
Oh, thank Goodness! I'm not crazy! I don't have to take a pigeon as my bride! 谢天谢地,我不是个疯子,我不用和鸽子结婚了
There goes our shot at him living on the roof. 他住屋顶鸽舍的事看来是没指望了
So, all right, there he is. So, should we introduce ourselves? 好了,就是他,我们主动上前自我介绍吗
No! Let him spot us. 别,让他自己发现我们
I wonder if he's listening to our music right now. Could you imagine? What a cool way for us to meet. 他会不会正听着我们的歌呢,你能想象吗,多么酷的见面方式啊
He's playing our song and looks up, and there we are his favorite twopiece acoustic5 scifi novelty rock band. 他听着我们的歌,一抬头我们正在他眼前,他最爱的原声科幻摇滚二人乐团
And he's, all, like, "Aren't you the guys from Footprints on the Moo...?" 他一定会说"你们不是月球足迹乐团的..."
Ooh, what is he doing?! I can't watch. 他在干什么啊,我看不下去了
IIIt's okay. Oh, it's okay. He's done. 没,没关系,没关系,他已经抠完了
Why is he looking at it?! Eh, no, he's not going to eat it, is he? 他干嘛要盯着那玩意看,他该不会想吃了那玩意吧
Come on, Trent, you're better than...Let's just go. 拜托,特伦特,你没这么...我们快走吧
Hey, aren't you the guys...? Nope!  Never heard of 'em! 你们不是...不是,从没听说过他们
Know if words could say,but darlin', I'll find a way 言语已无法表达,但是亲爱的,我会找到方法
I wonder why it was this particular song that was stuck in my head. 我好奇为什么偏偏是这首歌卡在我脑海里
I don't know. It's pretty catchy6. 我也不知道,这歌朗朗上口呀
Do you even like the Beach Boys? They have "Beach" right in the name. What do you think? 你有喜欢"海滩男孩"吗,他们组合名里有"海滩"两字,你觉得呢
Well, now that you can focus again, what do you say we get back to surface tension of domain7 walls? 现在你的注意力又能集中了,咱们可以回到畴壁表面张力的研究了吧
Of course. I'm already seeing a more efficient way of taming the ultravi... 当然,我已经想到了一个更高效来...
I know why the song was in my head. Why? It's about Amy. 我知道为什么我老是忘不掉这歌了,为什么,和艾米有关
Okay, look, I know Amy's like an old lady, but she's not old enough to have a song from the '60s written about her. 我知道艾米举止打扮像个老太太,但她也不至于老到被唱进一首60年代的歌里吧
It's about how she made my life better. Consider the lyrics8. 她让我的人生变得更美好,想想这歌词吧
"I was living like half a man. Then I couldn't love, but now I can. More soul than I ever had. I love the way you soften9 my life." 从前的我灵魂从未完整,从前的我不会爱,现在的我已会爱,灵魂从此变得完整,我爱你将我的心变得柔软"
Well, she did soften your life, didn't she? 她的确让你变得柔软了,不是吗
Yes!She's like the dryer10 sheets of my heart! I have to go. 没错,她就是我的心灵柔顺剂,我得走了
Am I like the dryer sheets of your heart? 我也是你的心灵柔顺剂吗
Better. You're the lint11 trap of my love. 不止,你可是我"爱的绒毛清除器"
That's an interesting tie clip. Oh, thanks. 这个领带夹还挺有趣的,谢谢
It's, uh, Avogadro's constant. It's useful for calculating the number of atoms in a substance, or causing regret in anyone who asks about it. 这是阿伏伽德罗常量,可以用来计算物质中的原子数或是让每个提问者后悔自己提了这问题
Oh, I...I think it's neat. 我...我觉得挺不错的
Sorry. Sorry. No one's ever liked the tie clip before, so I just lost all control. 对不起,对不起,从来没人喜欢过这个领带夹,所以我就失控了
No, it... it's okay, and we are on a date. I'm... I'm just a little nervous. 不,没关系,我们本来就在约会,我只是有点紧张
Well, no need to be nervous with me.I'm just a harmless giant from a foreign land. 你无需对我紧张,我只是一个来自异国,人畜无害的巨人
You know, I'm just being silly. I... 我只是犯傻而已,我...
I don't know what I'm waiting for. 我不知道我还在等什么
Amy? Amy. Amy? That's Sheldon. 艾米,艾米,艾米,那是谢尔顿
You're kidding! How's my hair? 你开玩笑的吧,我头发乱不乱
Sheldon, thisthis isn't a good time. 谢尔顿,你来的真不凑巧
I don't care. Amy, there was a song I couldn't get out of my head. 我才不管呢,艾米,有一首歌总是在我脑海盘旋
Eventually, I realized the song was about you, and like that earworm, I can't get you out of my heart. 最后我终于发现,这歌和你有关,你是我挥之不去的耳虫,久久盘旋在心口
So, what I'm trying to say is, you're my heartworm. 所以我想告诉你,你是我的心虫
The metaphorical12 kind, notnot the poodlekilling kind.WWWWhat? 这是比喻,不是指真的犬心丝虫,你说什么
If I may...I believe what he's saying, in a charming and delightful13 way, is that he loves you and wants you back. 打扰一下...我觉得他是在用一种更诗意更抒情的方式表达他很爱你,希望你能回到他身边
Dave Gibbs, huge fan of your work. Don't mind me. 戴夫·吉布斯,您的铁杆粉丝,不用管我
I'mI'm sorry. I didn't realize you were on a date. 我很抱歉,我不知道你正在约会呢
No, itit... it's okay. Keep going? 不,没关系,你继续说
Amy, if you want to be my girlfriend again, I really want to be your boyfriend. 艾米,如果你愿意重新做我的女朋友,我也非常愿意做你的男朋友
I really want that, too. Good. Because I love you. I love you, too. 我非常愿意,太好了,因为我爱你,我也爱你
Kiss her, you brilliant fool! 快亲她呀,你这个聪明的大傻瓜
I'll let you get back to your date.Get back here! 我就不打扰你约会了,给我回来
Oh, oh, oh, darlin',I dream about you often, my pretty darlin',I love the way you soften my... 亲爱的,我总是反复梦到你,亲爱的美人儿,我爱你将我的心变得柔软... ?
Okay, then.I'll, uh, see myself out. Amy, thank you for dinner. 好了,那我就自己走了,艾米,谢谢你的晚餐
Dr. Cooper, pleasure to meet you, sir. 库珀博士,非常高兴见到您
Uh, if perhaps sometime you have a spare moment, I'd, uh, lovelove to discuss physics, or "shoot the breeze," as you Yanks say. 如果下次您有空,我非常愿意和您讨论一下物理问题或是按你们的说法,一起"侃大山"
What a lovely evening. 真是美好的一晚啊



1 lining kpgzTO     
  • The lining of my coat is torn.我的外套衬里破了。
  • Moss makes an attractive lining to wire baskets.用苔藓垫在铁丝篮里很漂亮。
2 physicist oNqx4     
  • He is a physicist of the first rank.他是一流的物理学家。
  • The successful physicist never puts on airs.这位卓有成就的物理学家从不摆架子。
3 descending descending     
n. 下行 adj. 下降的
  • The results are expressed in descending numerical order . 结果按数字降序列出。
  • The climbers stopped to orient themselves before descending the mountain. 登山者先停下来确定所在的位置,然后再下山。
4 irrational UaDzl     
  • After taking the drug she became completely irrational.她在吸毒后变得完全失去了理性。
  • There are also signs of irrational exuberance among some investors.在某些投资者中是存在非理性繁荣的征象的。
5 acoustic KJ7y8     
  • The hall has a fine acoustic.这个大厅的传音效果很好。
  • Animals use a whole rang of acoustic, visual,and chemical signals in their systems of communication.动物利用各种各样的听觉、视觉和化学信号来进行交流。
6 catchy 1wkztn     
  • We need a new slogan.The old one's not catchy enough.我们需要新的口号,旧的不够吸引人。
  • The chorus is very catchy to say the least.副歌部分很容易上口。
7 domain ys8xC     
  • This information should be in the public domain.这一消息应该为公众所知。
  • This question comes into the domain of philosophy.这一问题属于哲学范畴。
8 lyrics ko5zoz     
  • music and lyrics by Rodgers and Hart 由罗杰斯和哈特作词作曲
  • The book contains lyrics and guitar tablatures for over 100 songs. 这本书有100多首歌的歌词和吉他奏法谱。
9 soften 6w0wk     
  • Plastics will soften when exposed to heat.塑料适当加热就可以软化。
  • This special cream will help to soften up our skin.这种特殊的护肤霜有助于使皮肤变得柔软。
10 dryer PrYxf     
  • He bought a dryer yesterday.他昨天买了一台干燥机。
  • There is a washer and a dryer in the basement.地下室里有洗衣机和烘干机。
11 lint 58azy     
  • Flicked the lint off the coat.把大衣上的棉绒弹掉。
  • There are a few problems of air pollution by chemicals,lint,etc.,but these are minor.化学品、棉花等也造成一些空气污染问题,但这是次要的。
12 metaphorical OotzLw     
  • Here, then, we have a metaphorical substitution on a metonymic axis. 这样,我们在换喻(者翻译为转喻,一种以部分代替整体的修辞方法)上就有了一个隐喻的替代。
  • So, in a metaphorical sense, entropy is arrow of time. 所以说,我们可以这样作个比喻:熵像是时间之矢。
13 delightful 6xzxT     
  • We had a delightful time by the seashore last Sunday.上星期天我们在海滨玩得真痛快。
  • Peter played a delightful melody on his flute.彼得用笛子吹奏了一支欢快的曲子。

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