
生活大爆炸 第十季:第8集:细胞样本(下)

时间:2019-03-04 01:24:57



 That's wonderful.A lawyer, my sister's a lawyer. 那太棒了。律师,我姐姐就是律师

Look at that, we have something in common. 快看,我们有共同点啦
Yeah, I guess we do. 是啊,看来是这样
Maybe there are other things we have in common. 说不定我们还有别的共同点呢
CCome dinnertime, do you enjoy eating food? 到晚餐的时候,你享受吃东西吗?
Ay, Rajesh,I think you're very sweet, but I work two jobs and I don't have time for dating. 哎呀,Rajesh啊我觉得你非常贴心,但是我做着两份工作,根本没时间约会
Yeah, sure. I understand. 是啊,肯定的,我理解
Yeah, I'm very busy, too. 对,我也很忙的
Oh, please don't take it personal,I think you're a very nice man. 千万别往心里去,这不是针对你个人我觉得你是个非常好的男人
I think you're very nice as well. 我觉得你也非常好
Thank you for helping1 me. 谢谢你帮我
Good night, Rajesh. Oh, yes. Oh, okay. Uh...Good night. 晚安,Rajesh哦,是啊,好呃...晚安
I don't know, maybe it's the fumes2 from the urinal cakes,  but I feel like something is happening between us. 我也不知道为什么,可能是由于小便池里洁厕块产生的烟雾吧但我觉得我们之间有感觉啊
Good night, Rajesh.Okay. I'll leave. 晚安,Rajesh。好吧,我会走的
But just know, every time I come in here,  I'll be thinking of you. 但是你要知道,每当我来到这里我就会想起你
Would you look at that? 你快看看好吗?
The image we gave it was 45% white noise,and it still managed to reconstruct it. 我们给它的图片有45%的白噪音而它还是成功复制出来了
I've never seen results like this before. 我从来没见过这样的结果
Yeah, we need to stop for magnets on the way home;this is going right on the fridge. 是啊,我们得在回家路上买些磁铁这必须得上冰箱
Aren't you glad you participated in this? 你不高兴自己参与了这个吗?
Oh, I am.And you realize what the next step is? 我高兴啊,那你知道我们的下一步是什么了吗?
Set up a second culture and try to replicate3 our results.Uh, no. 建立第二个环境然后尝试复制我们的结果。呃,不
We lock that door, lower our underpants a little and make a baby. 我们应该把那扇门锁上,拉下我们的内裤然后造个宝宝
Make a baby? What are you talking about? 造个宝宝?你在说什么呢?
Clearly the combination of our DNA4 is exceptional. 很明显,我们DNA的结合体特别优秀啊
Eh... Our child could be the next step in the evolution of mankind. 我们的结晶也许能引导人类的进步
We... we'll be able to get into any preschool we want! 这样...它想上哪家幼儿园就能上啦!
ShSheldon, I'm not ready to have a baby. Sheldon我没准备好要孩子
Oh, yes, you are! I track your cycle. 你准备好了,我记录了你的生理期
For the next 36 hours you're as fertile as a manurecovered wheat field. 在接下来的36个小时你的繁殖力将会和施了肥的麦田一样强
Wow. I... I can actually feel the egg crawling its way back up. 哇,我...我甚至都能感觉到卵子正吓得往回爬
I don't understand. 这我就不懂了
I thought you'd be thrilled to procreate with me. 我以为和我一起造人你会很激动呢
Not right now.  Oh,I see what's happening here. 这会儿不合适, 哦我知道是怎么回事了
You're playing hard to get. 你在吊我胃口
I'm not playing anything. 我没在吊你胃口
We're not making a baby today. Very well. 我们今天不能要小孩。好吧
Oops, how clumsy of me. 嗷,宝宝真是太不小心了
You know what? Let me get that.Hey. 我把它捡起来吧,嘿
Where are you going?I... 你要去哪?我...
Did you even look at my bottom? Welcome. 你看了一眼我的屁屁没?欢迎
What is this?  Oh, well,you said you didn't have time to go out for dinner, so I thought we could have one right here. 这是什么情况?  嗯你说你没时间去外边吃饭,我想着那就在这里吃呗
Oh, Rajesh...  Oh, come on! Rajesh...  来嘛!
We're in the telescope room! 我们在望远镜室!
It'll be like dining under the stars. 这感觉就像在星光下共进晚餐
Y...You see this, uh, double zero? 你...你看到这,呃,这两个零了吗?
When it says“01,” that means it's twinkling. “01“表示它正在闪烁
Sometimes it takes a while. 有时候它反应比较迟钝
Rajesh, this is so sweet,but you... you know I'm working. Rajesh这真是太贴心了但是,我现在正在工作
That's why I already cleaned up in here and all the other rooms in the hall. 所以我把这里都整理干净了走道里的其他房间也打扫了
Well, I suppose that gives me a little time.Oh, please sit! 那可帮我省了点时间呢。坐吧!
I tried to cook you a meal from your homeland.Oh, really? 我试着做了你的家乡菜,真的吗?
You made Cuban food? 你做了古巴菜?
That depends... do they have Mexican food in Cuba? 额,这得看...古巴有墨西哥菜吗?
Now, when he said is it possible he meant out of Legos? “make a baby”"他说“造人“的时候有没有可能指的是用乐高积木造?
No. He was explicit5. 不,他说得可明白了
Needlessly and freakishly explicit. 明白得诡异至极而且完全没必要嘛
Why does he need a baby? 他想要小孩做啥子呢?
He's already hairless and smells like talcum powder. 他本人已经头发光光,一股爽身粉味了啊
Could you two really have some sort of superintelligent child? 你俩真的会生出那种智商超群的宝宝吗?
Well, there is a genetic6 component7, but that doesn't guarantee anything. 基因是一部分但是也不能保证
That's true. Sheldon's father once picked a fight with a cactus8. 对的,Sheldon的爸爸还和仙人掌打过架呢
Yeah, but that's just his Earth parents. 但是那只是他的凡人父母啊
We don't know anything about the ones that sent him here. 他的外星人父母我们可是一点都不了解呢
Well, we know they were smart enough to send him away. 可我们知道他们都聪明到可以把他送走啊
Hey, you're talking about the person I love and have been avoiding for the past three hours. 嘿,你们讽刺的可是我躲了三个小时的爱人诶
Aw, man.Ooh!Sheldon gonna get some. 嗷,天啊哦!Sheldon有甜头尝了
Well, have fun with whatever nightmare's behind door number two. 好好享受二号门后的噩梦吧
Well, hello.Hello. Would you care for a brandy? 嗨,你好啊嗨想来点白兰地吗?
I don't think so. 不想
Good choice, it's disgusting. 好主意,难喝死了
Sheldon, please stop trying to seduce9 me. Sheldon别挑逗我了好不好
Who's trying to seduce you? 谁挑逗你了?
After a long day I always turn on smooth jazz and spray deer musk10 on my inner thighs11. 一天结束之后,我总是会放上一点爵士再在大腿内侧喷点麝香
I thought it smelled like a petting zoo in here. 闻着一股野生动物园味儿
Anything you'd like to pet? 你想野一下吗?
Not my hair. There's a lot of goop in it. 头发不行哦,上面发胶太多了
Okay, I've had enough. 我受够了
Amy, come back. Amy回来
I don't know how to open the oysters12. 我不懂怎么开牡蛎啊
So, um, what surprised you the most when you first came to America? 你第一次来美国的时候最让你惊讶的事是什么?
Well, I suppose how much people care about Oprah's favorite things. 大概是有多少人在意奥普拉的完美清单吧
I thought that, too. 我也这么觉得诶
But then I got my first waffle maker13 and never questioned her again. 之后我有了自己的第一台华夫饼机就没再怀疑过她了
You know,I do have some time off this Sunday if you'd like to...  Hey! I saw your car... 嗯我这周天挺闲的如果你想...  嘿!我看到你的车...
Oh, sorry. Am I interrupting?Uh... 哦,不好意思,是不是打扰到你们了?呃...
It's okay. Uh, I should get back to work. 没事的,呃,我该回去工作了
Hi. Howard Wolowitz.Oh. Issabella Concepcion.Oh, yeah, the astronomer14. 嗨,Howard Wolowitz哦,Issabella Concepcion是那个天文学家对吧
Raj told us about you. Raj和我们提过你呢
Hey! Free toilet paper! 免费的厕纸!
You told him I was an astronomer? Uh..I understand. 你跟他说我是天文学家?呃...我明白了
Time to go.  No, p...please don't. 我该走了, 别...别走啊
It's okay, Rajesh, I'm a grown woman. 没事的,Rajesh我是成年人
I don't have to waste my time with someone who's embarrassed by me. 没必要和觉得我丢人的人浪费时间
I can keep this, right?Issabella! 这玩意我可以留着,对吧?喂,Issabella!
Issabella, wait, wait, let me explain. Issabella等等,你听我解释
If you are embarrassed by what I do,why did you pursue me?  I'm sorry. 要觉得我的工作很丢人的话为什么又要追我呢? 对不起
Honestly, I...I didn't think your job would bother me,but I guess it did. 说实话,我...我本来没觉得你的工作会困扰我但事实好像不是这样
And I hate myself for that. 我也因此很恨我自己
But there's a lot of things about me that would totally embarrass you. 但是我的很多事也会让你觉得很丢脸的
I doubt that.Well, prepare to be mortified15. 我不信。准备好丢脸丢到家吧
I let my dog eat food out of my mouth, 我把狗粮含着,喂给我狗狗
not because she likes it but because I do. 不是因为她喜欢而是因为我喜欢
Also, I know they're pretty, but I'm scared of butterflies. 还有,尽管蝴蝶很好看,但是我超害怕它们的
Sorry, just passing through. 不好意思哈,只是路过
I think this fell off your cart. 这是从你车上掉出来的
Come on. What do you say? 好嘛,你意下如何?
Let me make it up to you. 让我补偿你嘛
You're very persistent16. 你是挺执着的
It's my one move. Okay. 我也只会这一招。好吧
This Sunday night, you may take me to dinner at a nice restaurant. 这周天晚上,你可以带我去一家豪华餐厅吃饭
Great. Where would you like to go?Your choice. 好啊,你想去哪?你挑吧
It can be Pakistani food, if you like. 如果你喜欢的话,可以吃巴基斯坦菜
Excuse me, but I'm Indian. 呃,可是我是印度人
And now you know how it feels. 你现在知道被冒犯是什么滋味了吧
So, were you turned on even a little bit? 难道你一点性致都没有吗?
It was like being hit on by Rat Pack Peewee Herman. 感觉就像被鼠帮皮威?赫曼打了一样
I'm sorry, is that a yes? No! 不好意思,这是在说是吗?不是!
Amy,I didn't want it to come to this. Amy啊我不想这么干的
But you have left me no choice but to employ the most passionate,seductive dance known to man. 但你真是逼得我毫无办法只能用最最热情撩人的舞蹈了
The flamenco.  For God's sake,you're ridiculous. 弗拉明戈天哪你简直逗死了
You guys are aroused, right? 你俩觉得性致勃发,对吧
That was a close one. 好险啊



1 helping 2rGzDc     
  • The poor children regularly pony up for a second helping of my hamburger. 那些可怜的孩子们总是要求我把我的汉堡包再给他们一份。
  • By doing this, they may at times be helping to restore competition. 这样一来, 他在某些时候,有助于竞争的加强。
2 fumes lsYz3Q     
  • The health of our children is being endangered by exhaust fumes. 我们孩子们的健康正受到排放出的废气的损害。
  • Exhaust fumes are bad for your health. 废气对健康有害。
3 replicate PVAxN     
  • The DNA of chromatin must replicate before cell division.染色质DNA在细胞分裂之前必须复制。
  • It is also easy to replicate,as the next subsection explains.就像下一个小节详细说明的那样,它还可以被轻易的复制。
4 DNA 4u3z1l     
(缩)deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸
  • DNA is stored in the nucleus of a cell.脱氧核糖核酸储存于细胞的细胞核里。
  • Gene mutations are alterations in the DNA code.基因突变是指DNA密码的改变。
5 explicit IhFzc     
  • She was quite explicit about why she left.她对自己离去的原因直言不讳。
  • He avoids the explicit answer to us.他避免给我们明确的回答。
6 genetic PgIxp     
  • It's very difficult to treat genetic diseases.遗传性疾病治疗起来很困难。
  • Each daughter cell can receive a full complement of the genetic information.每个子细胞可以收到遗传信息的一个完全补偿物。
7 component epSzv     
  • Each component is carefully checked before assembly.每个零件在装配前都经过仔细检查。
  • Blade and handle are the component parts of a knife.刀身和刀柄是一把刀的组成部分。
8 cactus Cs1zF     
  • It was the first year that the cactus had produced flowers.这是这棵仙人掌第一年开花。
  • The giant cactus is the vegetable skycraper.高大的仙人掌是植物界巨人。
9 seduce ST0zh     
  • She has set out to seduce Stephen.她已经开始勾引斯蒂芬了。
  • Clever advertising would seduce more people into smoking.巧妙策划的广告会引诱更多的人吸烟。
10 musk v6pzO     
n.麝香, 能发出麝香的各种各样的植物,香猫
  • Musk is used for perfume and stimulant.麝香可以用作香料和兴奋剂。
  • She scented her clothes with musk.她用麝香使衣服充满了香味。
11 thighs e4741ffc827755fcb63c8b296150ab4e     
n.股,大腿( thigh的名词复数 );食用的鸡(等的)腿
  • He's gone to London for skin grafts on his thighs. 他去伦敦做大腿植皮手术了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The water came up to the fisherman's thighs. 水没到了渔夫的大腿。 来自《简明英汉词典》
12 oysters 713202a391facaf27aab568d95bdc68f     
牡蛎( oyster的名词复数 )
  • We don't have oysters tonight, but the crayfish are very good. 我们今晚没有牡蛎供应。但小龙虾是非常好。
  • She carried a piping hot grill of oysters and bacon. 她端出一盘滚烫的烤牡蛎和咸肉。
13 maker DALxN     
  • He is a trouble maker,You must be distant with him.他是个捣蛋鬼,你不要跟他在一起。
  • A cabinet maker must be a master craftsman.家具木工必须是技艺高超的手艺人。
14 astronomer DOEyh     
  • A new star attracted the notice of the astronomer.新发现的一颗星引起了那位天文学家的注意。
  • He is reputed to have been a good astronomer.他以一个优秀的天文学者闻名于世。
15 mortified 0270b705ee76206d7730e7559f53ea31     
v.使受辱( mortify的过去式和过去分词 );伤害(人的感情);克制;抑制(肉体、情感等)
  • She was mortified to realize he had heard every word she said. 她意识到自己的每句话都被他听到了,直羞得无地自容。
  • The knowledge of future evils mortified the present felicities. 对未来苦难的了解压抑了目前的喜悦。 来自《简明英汉词典》
16 persistent BSUzg     
  • Albert had a persistent headache that lasted for three days.艾伯特连续头痛了三天。
  • She felt embarrassed by his persistent attentions.他不时地向她大献殷勤,使她很难为情。

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