生活大爆炸 第十季:第11集:哈雷出生了(下)
时间:2019-03-04 01:36:13
Maybe if we're quiet, he'll go away. 我们不说话的话,他说不定会撤
You're gonna have to be quieter than that. 那你们得说得再小声一点哦
Can I look yet? One second. 我可以睁开眼了吗?再等一下下哦
All right, you can open your eyes. 好了,睁开眼睛
I thought I'd let
Harry1 Potter make things hotter. Wowza. 我想着要让哈利波特助助兴。哇嗷
I got a Gryffindor robe for you. 我给你买了件格莱芬多巫师袍
Oh...A Gryffindor sleeping with a Hufflepuff? 哦...格莱芬多和赫奇帕奇搞在一起?
How scandalous.You naughty girl. 简直太不像话了。你这个小淘气
You went to the Wizarding World theme park without me. 你一个人去了魔法世界主题公园
I did.Am I in trouble?Yes, you're in trouble. 是啊。我是不是麻烦大了?是啊,你麻烦大了
you went to Wizarding World without me! 你自己一个人去了魔法世界!
Wait, what just happened? 等等,发生了啥?
You know I've been wanting to go. 你知道我一直想去的啊
Sheldon, do you really want to argue with me on my birthday? 谢尔登你真的想在我生日这天跟我吵架吗?
Oh, you're right.I'm sorry.Ooh. Happy birthday to me. 你说得对。不好意思。哦,祝我生日快乐
Hello...Is this about the baby? 嘿...是关于小孩的消息吗?
No. People just keep kicking me out everywhere I go. 不,只是我所到之处都不招人待见
Good. Then you're used to this. 好,那你就习惯了吧
Hey, Bernadette's water broke! 嘿,伯纳黛特的羊水破了!
Come on! Everyone to the hospital! 快!大家快去医院!
You have got to be kidding me! 你是在逗我吗!
Just try to relax. We'll be there any minute. 放轻松,我们就快到了
Stuart, stop driving like an old man. 斯图尔特你是老人家吗开这么慢
Speed it up a little. 加点速啊
I'm not an old man! 我不是老人家!
I just can't see at night. 我只是在晚上看不见嘛
Here comes another one. 又来了
Squinty2, the gas pedal's on the right! All right, hang on. 嘿,眯眯眼,油门在右边!好的,等等啊
If you see any
pedestrians3, just call 'em out. 你们看到行人的话,就让他们闪开
Howard and Bernadette's kid might be born on your birthday. 霍华德和伯纳黛特的小孩可能会在你生日这天出生诶
How cool is that? 这简直太酷了!
Yeah, but I thought this baby was supposed to ruin their sex life, not mine. 是啊,还以为这个小孩应该毁了他们的性生活,而不是我的
This is not how I imagined this day going. I should be with them right now. 今天和我设想得完全不一样,我这会儿应该和他们在一块的
Well, it is their child.I know that. 喂,是他们的小孩。我知道啊
But to be fair, I've spent nine months
helping4 Bernadette get ready for this baby. 但说实话,我花了九个月的时间帮伯纳黛特为今天做准备
And Howard spent five minutes
conceiving5 it. 霍华德造他只花了五分钟
And I'm being generous.Five minutes? 我真是太慷慨了。五分钟?
We must be doing it wrong. It took us hours. 我们是不是做的方式不对,得花上我们几小时呢
And... and the worst part is that they kicked me out and let Stuart stay. 而且...而且最不能忍的是他们把我赶出来让斯图尔特留在那儿了
I understand, but this is a special day for them. 我理解,但是今天是他们的大日子啊
Can you just try and let it go?She's right. 你能别纠结了吗?她说得对
You know, I just learned Amy went to a theme park without me, but I'm not going to ruin her birthday. 我刚知道艾米自己一个人去了一个主题公园但是我还是会好好给她庆生
I'll wait, and ruin 24 individual hours sprinkled throughout the year. Boop. 我会等着,然后把24小时零散分布在接下来的一年里慢慢捣乱。噗
Deep breaths, slow breaths. 深呼吸,慢慢地呼吸
I'm so thirsty. Give me more ice chips. 我好渴啊,再给我点冰块
Sorry. I... thought these were room ice chips. 不好意思,我...以为这可以随便吃
I'll go get some more. 我再去拿点
Uh, Stuart, while you're out there,don't come back. Okay. 呃,斯图尔特你出去之后就别再回来了。好
So, what are we gonna name this kid? 我们的宝宝要叫什么名字呢?
Now that we know she's a girl,it kind of ruins my plan for Wally Wolowitz. 既然我们已经知道是个女孩了那就不能叫威力Wolowitz了
Could name her after your mom.Debbie?No. 可以用你妈妈的名字。黛比?不行
She hated that name. 她讨厌这个名字
Did she have a middle name? Melvina. 你有中间名吗?梅维纳
Let's keep thinking. Mm. Ah.It sucks that she's not here.I know. 咱们再想想吧。嗯真难过,她不在这儿。我知道
Hm.She would've been the best grandma. 嗯。她本来会是个最棒的奶奶
She did always have candy in her pocket.Yeah. 她口袋里总有糖,是啊
I was 20 years old before I figured out Tootsie Rolls weren't naturally warm. 直到20岁我才知道同笑乐糖原来不是热乎的
I didn't know her five minutes and she asked,Are you a
Milky6 Way or a Snickers girl? 见她五分钟之后,她就问我你吃巧克力还是士力架啊?
Thank God you answered right, we wouldn't be here today. 还好你答对了,不然今天我们就不会在这儿了
It's hard to believe Howard's having a kid.Yeah. 难以置信霍华德竟然要当爹了,是啊
Penny, you're the one who introduced him to Bernie. 佩妮是你把他介绍给伯尼的
How many times do I have to say I'm sorry? 所以我得说多少次我很抱歉呢?
It's not just Howard and Bernadette. I mean,look how far we've all come. 也不仅仅是霍华德和伯纳黛特啦看看我们这一路的收获把
Hmm. Hmm. You two got married. 嗯, 嗯你俩结婚了
Sheldon and I are living together. 谢尔登和我同居了
But if my mom asks, we have
bunk7 beds. 但如果我妈问起来的话,咱俩睡的上下铺
Penny was a struggling actress when we met,and now she's a successful
pharmaceutical8 rep. 我们刚遇到的时候佩妮是个入不敷出的女演员但她现在已经是一个成功的药物销售代表了
Okay, you don't have to say struggling every time. 你不用每次都强调入不敷出
You can just say actress. 说演员就可以了
Howard went to space. 霍华德去了太空
Sheldon, Howard and I are working with the government on our quantum gyroscope. 谢尔登、霍华德和我现在和政府一起研发我们的量子陀螺仪
We've all come a long way. 我们都成长了
There's a lot to be proud of. 有很多值得骄傲的东西
For God's sake, just drive in the knife, why don't you! 老天爷啊,你们就拼命往我心脏插刀子吧,千万别客气!
What's your problem? Well, you're all thinking that I'm the only one who hasn't done anything worthwhile. 你怎么了? 你们都觉得只有我什么有意义的事都没做
I was not thinking it. 我不这么觉得啊
Although, now that you point it out, it is undeniable. 但是你现在都这么说了,我也不好反驳
Raj, if it's any
consolation10, I'm no better off than I was ten years ago. 杰拉如果这么说能让你觉得好受点的话我比起十年前也没什么好转啊
Oh, yay! I have a doctorate in astrophysics and I'm every bit as
awesome11 as the pastyfaced owner of a comic book store! 呵呵!我有天体物理学的博士学位我就和一个漫画店的病怏怏的老板一样赞诶!
Raj! Show some
compassion12.Those are things that we think but don't say.Excuse me. 杰拉!有点同情心这些话只能想想不能说出来的失陪了
Sorry, Stuart.Hey, I'm in a hospital and I'm not the patient. 抱歉,斯图尔特不用,我坐在医院里,但不是以病人的身份
I'm fine.Come on, Bernie, breathe. 已经很好了。加油,伯尼呼吸
Remember what you learned in birthing class. 想想你在生产课上学到的东西
I remember thinking this is stupid and I was right! 我记得当时觉得这很蠢现在看来果然很蠢!
Do you want me to get the nurse? 要我去叫护士来吗?
No! If one more person puts their fingers near my uterus, 不!如果再有一个人用手指靠近我的子宫
I'm gonna cross my legs and
snap13 'em off! 我就交叉双腿夹死他
I've come to peace with my relationship with my parents. 我和我父母的关系已经改善了很多
Oh, speaking of personal growth,I recently tried eating Swiss chard. 说到个人的成长的话我最近试吃了瑞士的甜菜
You know, I didn't swallow it, but Amy said it counted. Hey. Hey. 我都没有咽下去,但艾米说已经足够了,嘿,嘿
Still a loser or did you turn things around while you were gone? 还是个失败者,还是说走了一圈突然变得成功了?
You know, Raj, honey,you're being too hard on yourself. 杰拉你知道的你对自己太苛责了
When I first met you, you couldn't even talk to women. 我刚遇见你的时候,你根本不能和女人说话
I mean, you couldn't even talk if one was in the room. 甚至只要有女的在屋子里都不行
Oh, great, now I can say things like I can't believe you're breaking up with me. 真好啊,现在我能说出我简直不敢相信你要和我分手
Why are you breaking up with me? Yes, I'll still help you move. 你为什要和我分手?但我还是会帮你搬家的
Anyone else want to try? 要不你们来安慰安慰?
Uh, yeah, I got something. 我来试试
Raj, not everybody could be a dog owner. 杰拉啊不是每个人都能养狗的
Oh, what? Did your doggie break up with you too? 怎么?你的狗也不要你了?
Hey, I bought M&Ms at the
vending15 machine and two bags came out. 我在自动贩卖机买了MM豆一次掉了两包出来呢
I bought the first one,it didn't fall.Here. 第一包是我买的没掉出来,给
She's here, the baby's here!Oh! Oh. Congratulations! 生了,宝宝出生了!噢! 恭喜恭喜!
How's Bernadette?Tired, but great.They're both great. 伯纳黛特怎么样了?很累,但挺好的。母女平安
Does the baby have a name yet? 宝宝有名字了吗?
We have named her Halley. 我们叫她哈雷
Oh! Oh, like Halley's
comet16. Exactly. 噢! 哈雷彗星的哈雷,是的
Also like the comet, Bernadette said she's not gonna have sex with me for another 75 years. 伯纳黛特也说了,就像彗星一样接下来的75年她都不会跟我滚床单了
That's not a real thing, he's just joking. 这是假话,他开玩笑呢
I'm gonna get back. 我要回去了
Thank you for staying up, I can't wait for Halley to meet her new aunts and uncles and godfather. 谢谢你们留下来,我等不及想让哈雷见见她的叔叔阿姨们还有她的教父
Really? Of course.You hear that, Stuart?! 真的吗?当然了。听见了吗,斯图尔特
I've got a dog and a godchild, you have nothing! 我有狗有教女,而你一无所有!
Oh, look at all the babies! 快看这些小宝宝!
Some will be successful,some may be homeless. 有的会成就辉煌有的却无家可归
It's fun to think about. 想来挺有趣的
I wonder which one's Halley. 哪一个是哈雷呢
Kind of hard to see the names. 名字有点看不清楚
Mm, that one kind of looks like Bernadette. 那个看上去有点像伯纳黛特
They all look the same to me. 我觉得他们看上去都一样
Guys,she's my goddaughter,I think I'll know when I see her. 朋友们,她是我的教女我想我看见她就会知道她了
That one.Well, that was quite a day. It was. 那个,好长的一天啊,是啊
Bernadette had her baby, I made it to Wizarding World,and now it is time to complete your birthday celebration. 伯纳黛特生了孩子我也去了魔法世界主题乐园现在该进行你的生日庆祝了
Hankius pankius.I was afraid you'd be too tired. 魔棒挥挥裤子掉掉。我还担心你太累了呢
Amy, I just saw a magic train and reported somebody for cutting the line. 艾米我刚刚才看见魔法列车还举报了插队的人
If that's not foreplay, I don't know what is. 如果那还算不上前戏的话,我也不知道什么才算了