《摩登家庭》第1季第11集 第16期:不是正常人
时间:2019-03-25 00:51:55
There's something wrong with you... 你绝对不是正常人
that the sound of our child in such
distress1 我们家闺女如此痛苦抑郁地哭喊
doesn't bother you more. 居然扰不了你半根神经
She's not in distress, 她才不抑郁呢 而且
and this just proves that you need this more than she does. 此事恰恰证明 你比她更需要费伯睡眠法
I'm Ferberizing two babies. 我得用此法锻炼两个宝宝
Raccoons slipped into the lawsons' home 前几天有浣熊溜进劳森家
and stole a loaf of bread. 偷了一长条面包
Your point? 你想说什么
That we left Lily's window open a crack, 你想想 莉莉房间窗户开了道缝
and those raccoons need something to put between that bread, 浣熊要找些小菜做个三明治
and that is Lily's "Help me" Cry. 然后莉莉就哭着喊救命了
I'm coming for you, Lily. No, you're not. 熊妈妈来救你了 莉莉 你敢
You are not coming, Cameron. 你不准去 卡梅隆
Let me go! Hey, stop it! 让我去 嘿 你撒手
Let go! Get off me! What are you doing? 放开我 下来 你干什么
Stop! I will not stop. 停下 我不停
Stop being such a baby. I'm coming for you! 别淘气了 宝宝我来了
What? - Oh, my ankle. 咋了 -脚崴了
My ankle. 脚崴了
Ay! I guess you didn't kill yourself in the motorcycle today. 我还以为你会从摩托车上摔死呢
Well, I figured you were looking forward to
killing2 me, 我知道你恨不得亲手杀了我
so I'm not gonna take that away from you. 我怎么能驾车归西 让你愿望落空呢
Hey, did Javier call you? 那个 哈维尔打给你了没
No, why? 没有啊 怎么了
He's dragging me to this bar with some of his old baseball
pals3. 他要拉我去酒吧会会他的老球友
He was supposed to be here at 5:00. 说好5点这边见的