《摩登家庭》第1季第11集 第17期:浪漫野餐
时间:2019-03-25 00:52:42
Ah, he's dragging you, huh? - Yeah. 他拉着你啊 -没错
I figured it would be okay. 我觉得没什么不妥的
I've seen half these guys play. 我见识过当中一半的人打比赛
Javier says it's cool. 哈维尔说没什么
What? What's the joke? - Nothing. 你笑什么 -没什么
It's just funny to me... that you make fun of me 真好笑 你之前还笑话我
because I was
seduced1 by him, 怎么会被他那样的人勾去了魂
but here you are- 但你现在...
No one is getting seduced. 我才没有被他勾去了魂
I'm doing this for Manny. 我这么做都是为了曼尼
Yeah, it's very important for Manny 对哦 你们俩去山上浪漫地野餐
that you two go and have a nice picnic in the mountains. 对曼尼来说是多么滴重要啊
First of all, it wasn't a picnic. We stopped for coffee. 首先 那不叫野餐 就喝了杯咖啡
They just happened to be selling crepes. 碰巧那儿有卖煎饼果子的
Listen. Let me know when he calls, all right? 听着 他打来知会我一声 好吗
Geez, it's almost 6:00. 天呐 眨眼就6点了
The kids are so excited for you to come home. 孩子们都盼着你回家呢
Oh, me too. 我也想他们了
Yeah, Luke made you a sign. 对了 卢克还给你做了个标语呢
Oh, he's a sweetie. - Yeah. You seem great. 他最贴心了 -你看上去气色挺好的
I am great. - Good. 确实感觉不错 -那就
Except for that fireman thing. 除了消防员那事
You remember it?Mm-hmm. 你还记着呢 必须的
Yeah, okay. Look, I am sorry. I'm so sorry. Ah, no. 好吧 对不起 没事啦
There's no excuse for it. 都是我的错 没有借口
I think I just spend so much time in
dowdy2 mom clothes, 我一家庭妇女 每天邋里邋遢
and I just- I wanted to feel
attractive5 for a second, you know? 我只想偶尔能散发点魅力 懂吗