《摩登家庭》第1季第12集 第5期:孩子的革命性阶段
时间:2019-03-25 01:11:26
Okay, I checked the rest of the computers in the house. 好吧 我查看了家里的其他电脑
I didn't find any more porn. 没发现更多的色情内容
That was hardly porn. 那根本算不上色情
It was a topless woman on a tractor. 只是个没穿上衣的女人坐在拖拉机上
You know what they call that in Europe? A cereal commercial. 你知道那在欧洲叫什么吗 谷物广告
I should go talk to him. Honey, 我要去找他谈谈 亲爱的
honey, honey. I got this. I got this. 亲爱的 交给我吧 交给我吧
No, no, no, no. I got this. I got this. 不不不 交给我吧 让我来吧
I was his age once. 我也曾经历他这样的年纪
Breasts are like these scary, mystical things... 乳房就像是可怕而又神秘的东西
that he's
drawn1 to like Frodo to Mordor. 他被诱惑了 就像弗罗多被魔多诱惑一样
Okay, I'm definitely going- No, no, no, no, no. 看来我是非去不可了 不不不
Boys don't want their moms talking to 'em about sex... 男孩子们不希望妈妈和他们谈论性
any more than girls want their dads talking to 'em about periods, 就像女孩们不希望父亲和她们谈月经
bras and girdles and all that stuff. 胸罩 紧身褡之类的
You do know that women stopped wearing girdles, like, 30 years ago? 你知道女人30年前就不穿紧身褡了吧
Honey, I know, I know. 亲爱的 我知道 我知道
That-That-That is exactly the kind of sexual revolution... 那是一场性革命
that our son is going through right now. 跟我们家儿子正经历的情况是一样的
So, just- Let's just- just trust it. 所以 你要对我有信心
Fix that step. Just know, 记得修楼梯 你要知道
I will handle this, okay? 我会处理好的 好吗