《摩登家庭》第1季第13集 第5期:出生就知道是同性恋了
时间:2019-03-25 02:16:11
I came out of the closet1 in my mid-20s. 我是25岁左右出柜的
I had to actually come out to my dad three times... 我和我爸说了三次
I'm not sure if maybe he was hoping he heard it wrong, 我不确定他是不是希望他听错了
like I had said, "Dad, I'm gray." 比如他希望我说的是 爸 我是"童心恋"
And my parents, they always just knew. 而我的父母 他们一直都知道
My mother says
labor3 with me took 36 hours... 我妈说她生我的时候用了36个小时
because I came out of the womb like this- "Hello!" 因为从她肚子出来时我就像这样 你好
I gotta lay off these cannolis. Hey, dad. 我不该再吃煎饼卷了 嗨 老爸
Mitchell. Hey, you guys know my son, Mitch. 米奇尔 你们认识我儿子吧 米奇
Hey, Mitch, how they hangin'? Hey, Mitch. 嗨米奇 最近好吗 嗨米奇
Hey, hey, hey. That's a great coat. 哟 哟 这件大衣不错
Where'd you get that? I don't know. It was a gift. 在哪儿买的 不知道 别人送的
Really? What is it-
suede4, microsuede? 真的吗 面料是小山羊皮还是仿麂皮
Some kind of lambskin? It's very soft, you know. 应该是某种小羊皮吧 摸上去很软
Thank you. 谢谢
Uh, can I talk to you for a second? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. 那个 我能和你谈谈吗 没问题
Thanks. Good seeing you. - Be right back. 谢谢 见到你很高兴 -很快回来
What's the matter? 怎么了
Um, "a friend of my son"? That's how you introduce Cam? 你介绍小卡的时候 说他是我的朋友吗
That's why you came here? 你来这里就是为了说这个吗
Dad, it's just more than a little
insulting5. 爸 你也太侮辱人了
Cam and I have been together for five years. 小卡和我在一起5年了
We- We have a daughter. 我们还有一个女儿
Look at these guys. 看看这些人
They look like they came out of the 1800s. 他们看上去好像来自十九世纪