《摩登家庭》第1季第14集 第3期:喜爱汗蒸
时间:2019-03-26 00:23:18
Why, Cam? 为啥 小卡
So at parties 那样参加派对时
I can tell everyone my partner is one of the Supremes. 我就可以向大家卖弄我男友"法力高强"
There he is-the steely, grizzled veteran... 瞧瞧 精壮如钢铁的灰发老朽
ready to do battle with the
plucky1 upstart. 要和勇猛小胖星大干一场
Brute3 force versus -Let's just do this. 野性战... 直接办正事儿吧
Jay and I are both gym rats. 杰和我都喜欢健身
I love the sauna. That's the dry heat. 我爱桑拿那种干热的感觉
And the steam, wet. 还有湿热的蒸汽
And, of course, I am just a kook for racquetball. 我也超迷手球式墙球的
Club champ two years in a row, 连续两年拿俱乐部冠军
Tonganoxie, Missouri Rec Center. 在密苏里州通加诺克西的健康中心
So, naturally, Jay and I have been trying for months... 所以杰和我这几个月都在计划
to get together to bang the old hollow rubber ball around. 一起去打一场球赛
I have been avoiding this day like the plague. 我真是竭尽全力在躲那场比赛
I mean, part of going to the gym is the lockerroom atmosphere. 去健身 一方面是冲着那种气氛
And if I'm there with a gay guy, 但如果身边有一个基佬
it's-it's just not gonna be the same. 气氛就完全毁了
I mean, for me, it's a
locker4 room. 对我来说 更衣室就是更衣室
For him, it's a showroom. 但对他 就是脱衣舞厅
She doesn't get it. 她不懂的