《摩登家庭》第1季第14集 第12期:巨型派对
时间:2019-03-26 00:41:05
-I got it. -Oh, my God. Aaah! -我聘上了 -天呐 啊
- I'm the head of Europe. - Well, you know, for the hotel- -我是欧洲的头儿啦 -酒店头儿啦
- Not the continent. - Kind of though. Kind of. -不是整个欧洲 -差不多啦 差不多
Why didn't you tell me when you first heard? 你一开始为什么不告诉我呢
Oh, 'cause, you know 噢 因为 那个
And that's when it really hit me. 然后我才恍然大悟
Valerie wasn't
jealous1 of me. She pitied me. 瓦莱丽才不嫉妒我 她可怜我
And part of me wanted to take her back to the house... 我当时有点想把她带回家
and show her everything she was
missing2... 让她看看我有而她没有的东西
in her sad, childless, husbandless life. 她真悲哀 没有孩子 没有老公
But there's a little thing called "Taking the high road." 但我知道"高风亮节"四个字儿咋写
Why don't you come by and meet everybody? 等下你到我家喝杯茶呗
Oh, sure. That'd be great. 好啊 那挺好的
Yeah, I mean, Alex is just a genius, 是啊 艾丽克斯就是个小天才啊
and Haley is turning into this beautiful young woman, 海莉真是女大十八变
-and it makes me realize that motherhood is -San Francisco. -她让我懂得了做母亲... -旧金山
- The most important - That was my fourth
lover3. San Francisco. -最重要的是 -我第四个情人 在旧金山
- It would have kept me up all night. - Yeah. -想不起来我今晚肯定睡不着 -嗯
Dad, look. 老爸 快看
Just a sec,
buddy4. I'm on my way out to the bathroom. 等会儿 小家伙 我去上趟厕所
Check it out. The Aubreys had this huge party last night, 你看 昨晚奥布里一家开了个巨型派对
and we got all these bottles to recycle. 瓶子都归我们了