《摩登家庭》第1季第14集 第17期:招待朋友
时间:2019-03-26 00:55:44
Just concluding a little business. 忙着谈业务呢
Very successfully, I might add. 顺便补一句 很顺利噢
- Honey - Hey! -宝贝 -嘿
- Hi. - Is that Valerie? -你好 -你不是瓦莱丽嘛
- Yeah. - Wow! -嗯 -哇
- You look fantastic. - Thank you. -你真漂亮 -谢谢
Come here. Get over here. 来来来 过来
Okay. 好吧
- How long has it been? - A long time. -我们多久没见了 -很久了
Oh, my goodness. 噢 老天啊
- Oh, I can't touch you. Okay. - A little bit difficult. -我没办法触到你 -是有点难
Gulf1 divides us, eh? 隔车相望
- So nice to see you. - It's great to see you though -见到你真好 -可不是嘛
- Okay. - All right. -嗯 -好吧
- Okay, then. - Thanks for coming by. -走了啊 -有空来坐坐
- It's such a pleasure. - Bye-bye. -谢谢招待 -拜拜
- Thanks for stopping by. - You have a beautiful family. -有空常来啊 -你家真漂亮
- She looks great, doesn't she? - What is on your face? -她真漂亮 是吧 -你脸上是什么玩意儿
One time! Once! 一次 哪怕一次
One time I bring somebody home... 我带个客人回家
who I want to impress, and what do I find? 想刺激一下别人 结果呢
A bunch of booze-drenched hill people... 一个全身酒味的
just sitting around in their underwear and-and chasing rats... 穿着内裤到处走 一个追耗子的
and fornicating in the stairwell. 还有一个在楼梯口就搞起来的
- Can I say something? - No. No, you can't, Mario. -我能插句话吗 -不准插 超级玛丽
There is nothing left to say but thank you. 你什么都不用说了 谢谢
Thank you all. 谢谢你们