《摩登家庭》第1季第15集 第3期:情人节礼物
时间:2019-03-26 01:05:56
Uh- Actually, no. We repurposed it. 其实 我们重新改造了一下
It was sort of a Bob Mackie meets Martha Stewart project. 我们走的是名人混搭风
Okay. Well, we just thought it would be a nice surprise. 好吧 我们还以为能给你个惊喜呢
It's hardly a surprise. I mean, 其实没什么好惊喜的
you dress her up for every holiday. 逢年过节你都会把她打扮一番
I was giving her a bath last night, 我昨晚给她洗澡时
and I still saw
traces1 of Martin Luther King behind her ear. 我发现马丁·路德·金的妆还在呢
All right. Not in the spirit. We get it. 好吧 你不喜欢 我们懂了
No, I'm-I'm sorry. 不不 对不起
No. It's adorable. I just- 不 你弄得很好看 只是我
I'm really nervous about my closing argument. 我真的很担心我的结案陈词
Oh, you've been rehearsing for weeks. 你都练了好几个星期了
You're gonna be great. 你会发挥出色的
Let's hope so. 但愿如此吧
Hey, and I was wondering- 对了 我在想
since you're gonna be in court all day- 既然你一整天都要在法院里
You can open the chocolates. 你想吃巧克力就先吃吧
Score. 好极了
Hi, Dylan. 你好 迪兰
Happy Valentine's Day, Mrs. Dunphy. 邓菲太太 情人节快乐
Oh. Dylan, thank you. That is so sweet. 迪兰 谢谢啊 你真贴心
You know, all women should look as tasty as you when they're old. 要是所有老女人都像你这样有气质就好了
Huh. Conflicted. 这话听着怪怪的
Hey, baby. 嘿 宝贝儿
my unending love and admiration- 对你的爱慕和无尽的爱意
Oh, my God. Yay, it's big! 我的天 真大啊