I had to settle. 我被迫和解
Well, your mom might think so, 你妈或许会认为你是"被迫"的
but a lot of people think I'm a catch. 不过其他人都觉得我是个贤夫哦
No. The case. I- I was this close to nailing it, 不 我是说那案子 我差点儿就要成功了
and then my
client3 gets scared and settles. 可我的委托人临阵退缩 和解了
I'm sorry. Maybe you'd like a chocolate. 真遗憾 来颗巧克力吧
Notice that I have not eaten any of the chocolates. 我可是一颗也没偷吃哦
There were two levels. You know it and I know it. 盒子原本有两层的 你我心里都清楚
I had one of the greatest closing arguments of all time- 我精心准备了有史以来最强的结案陈词
all about the big government rolling over the little guy, 控诉"大政府"如何欺压"小人民"
and I even had this great moment at the end... 而且我还想好了如何推向高潮
where I would point to the state seal and I'd say, "Shame!" 我会指着国徽高呼 "可耻啊"
Oh, that's what you were doing in the shower. 原来你洗澡时是在练这个啊
I was a little worried. 我那时还担心呢
Um, that's Manny. 是曼尼来了
I said we would watch him tonight. I hope you don't mind. 我答应今晚照看他 希望你别介意
I didn't know you were gonna be going through all this. 我没想到你今天会这么倒霉
No, it's fine. It might be nice to have him around. 没关系 有个孩子在挺好的
He always make me laugh. 他总是能逗我发笑
Hi, Manny. 嗨 曼尼
The universe is cold and loveless. 世界又冷酷又无情
Uh-oh. Bad Valentine's Day? 怎么了 情人节过得不好吗
I went for the gold- Fiona Gunderson. 我追寻我的爱人 菲奥娜·冈德森
I poured my heart and soul into a poem, left it on her desk. 我倾心吐胆地为她写了首诗 放在她桌子上