《摩登家庭》第1季第15集 第11期:结婚的感觉
时间:2019-03-26 02:04:51
How ugly are the women in Oregon? 俄勒冈的女人是有多丑啊
He's funny, Jay. 杰 他太逗了
I know. See? 对啊 没说错吧
- I can tell you're not- you're not from Oregon. -No. -我看得出来 你肯定不是从俄勒冈来的 -不是
- You are gorgeous. - Thank you. -你美极了 -谢谢
Thank you for bringing your father to the show. 谢谢你带你爸爸来看我表演
Oh, no. I'm her husband, Dave. 不对 我是她丈夫 大卫
- No kidding. - Yeah. -没开玩笑吧 -没呢
What's it like to be married to someone 和他结婚的感觉如何啊
who was there when the Bible was written? 那家伙估计和《圣经》一样老了吧
What was it called then? Just "The Testament"? 你们那时候叫什么 就叫《箴言录》吗
That's, uh- That's- That's good stuff. 真是 真是有意思
Oh, now he's trying to turn out the light. 现在他就想关灯睡觉了
Phone call. Over there. 有电话找您 在那边
- Hello? - Uh, yes. Hello. -喂 -喂 您好
- Mr. Durkas? - Yeah. -是德卡斯先生吗 -是我
This is Don Jolly... 我是唐·卓立
with the Great Shakes
corporate1 office, 我是"美奶昔"公司的
and I have good news for you. 我有个好消息告诉您
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