
《摩登家庭》第1季第15集 第12期:两幅假牙

时间:2019-03-26 02:05:25



 Does that sound like something you'd be interested in? 您有兴趣参加我们的活动吗

Yeah, sure. 好啊  当然
Okay, just a few simple questions for you. 好的  我们只是问您几个小问题
Would you please rank1 your favorite ice creams 您能否根据自己的喜好
at Great Shakes from least favorite to favorite? 把美奶昔的冰激凌排一下序
I don't know 'em by heart. 我其实也不太熟悉产品
There should be a menu right there to your right. 您右手边应该就有一本菜单
To your right. Mm-hmm. There you go. 在你右边  好了  开始吧
]Oh. Hi, Manny. 你好  曼尼
Hi, Fiona. Can I join you? 你好  菲奥娜  我能坐下吗
- I guess so. -Thanks. -可以吧  -谢谢
And you don't have to worry about him cheating2. That's for sure. 你不必担心他会出轨  那是肯定的
Because if he does, you'll catch him... 如果他出轨了  你肯定会发现的
when he comes home with two sets of teeth in his mouth. 因为他回家时嘴里肯定有两副假牙
Yeah. 是啊
So tell me, on the wedding3 night, what-what did he do? 给我们说说  他在新婚之夜表现如何
Did he say he wanted to change into something comfortable 他是不是说想换个舒服的做爱姿势
and go into a coma4? 然后就一睡不起了
- Listen, I gotta use the men's room. - Nuh-uh. -我想去去洗手间  -别去嘛
I gotta use the men's room. I'll be right back. 我必须去一趟  马上就回来
Where you going? Wait a minute. 你要去哪儿  等会儿
I'm only joking. That's what I do. 我只是开玩笑的  我就是干这个的
You know, you're way younger than I am. 你比我可年轻多了
You just don't look it. 你只是看着显老



1 rank hTpxa     
  • He was reduced in rank.他被降级了。
  • He is a physicist of the first rank.他是一流的物理学家。
2 cheating VwnzeR     
  • He had been cheating the taxman for years. 数年来,他一直欺骗税务部门。
  • He dishonored his team by cheating during the competition. 他在比赛时作弊,使他的队蒙受耻辱。
3 wedding geQzcf     
  • I have to attend a wedding.我必须去参加婚礼。
  • Their wedding was very quiet.他们的婚礼很平淡。
4 coma vqxzR     
  • The patient rallied from the coma.病人从昏迷中苏醒过来。
  • She went into a coma after swallowing a whole bottle of sleeping pills.她吃了一整瓶安眠药后就昏迷过去了。

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