《摩登家庭》第1季第16集 第4期:与野兽共舞
时间:2019-03-26 02:15:35
His name was Ponce? He'd get made fun of at my school. 他叫庞塞 他在我们学校会被嘲笑的
They'd probably call him "Pants." 他们可能会叫他"瓶塞"
Pants. 瓶塞
Or maybe, um, "Fancy Ponce." 或者"高级皮条客"
That's a good one. 这个说得好
All right. 好了
Let's do this. 我们开始吧
- You okay, Dad? - Yeah. Yeah, I am. -你还好吧 爸爸 -恩 我还好
Yep. Gonna take a little more 没事 这个算什么
than getting trapped in a small, dark space with a wild animal 困在黑漆漆的小洞里 与野兽共舞
- to
rattle1 your old man. - All right. -可吓不到你老爸 -好吧
You never want your kids to see you scared. 当父亲的永远都不想在孩子面前露怯
You wanna be that rock 你想成为他们心中的坚石
that they can grab ahold of in a stormy sea. 在暴风来临时让他们依靠
Actually, a rock would sink. So a floating rock. 实际上 石头会沉底 那就当漂浮的石头
Let's start over. It's windy, and you've got a lot of papers. 重新说一遍 风很大 你有很多张纸在手
Okay. Let's do this,
buddy2. 好了 我们开始吧
Okay! Good recon. 好了 侦查成功
Got the lay of the land, so- 知道地形了 所以
Aren't we going in? 我们不进去吗
Yep, we are. 不 我们进去