《摩登家庭》第1季第17集 第4期:奔四的女人
时间:2019-03-26 08:27:02
Everybody wants a slice. 大家都对我想入"菲菲"呢
How long have you two been in touch with each other? 你们恢复联系有多久了
Uh, she tracked me down about a year ago. 她差不多一年前联系到的我
What? What's- What's that sound? 怎么了 你什么意思
Mmm. Nothing. 没什么
Oh. Here she is right now. 站内信终于来了
"How about we meet at Le Reve at 7:30?" "七点半 梦境餐厅见"
That sounds innocent enough- I mean- 你们的约会真够"单纯"的
drinks with an ex-girlfriend at an intimate French restaurant. 和前女友在一家适合幽会的法国餐厅喝酒
Honey, you're doing that thing when you say what I want you to say 亲爱的 你说的话正是我期盼从你口中听到的
but your tone seems mean. 但你的语气好刻薄
Let me guess. Denise isn't married. 让我猜猜啊 丹妮丝还没结婚
Recently divorced. What's the big deal? 最近才离的 这有什么问题
Come on, Phil. You can't be that
naive1. 得了 菲尔 别太傻太天真
Seriously, women in their 30s on the Internet are like- 说真的 网上那些奔四的女人
they're like ninjas. 个个都是忍者
They get into their little black
outfits2 换上黑色外套
and try and
sneak3 their way into your marriage. 暗地里当第三者插足别人的婚姻
That's not Denise. 丹妮丝不是那种人
Here. Read some of her messages. 你看 这都是她给我发的站内信
- You're gonna feel silly. - Okay. -你看完就知道你想多了 -好吧
"Hey, Phil. How's it going?" "嗨 菲尔 最近怎么样啊"
You can't add the sexy voice. 你别乱加性感的勾引声音
"Hi, Phil. How's it going?" "嗨 菲尔 过得怎么样"
"So glad to hear your neck is better." "得知你脖子不疼了 我很高兴"