《摩登家庭》第1季第17集 第12期:女儿第一次站起来
时间:2019-03-27 00:53:35
That was funny this morning, huh- 今天早上挺有意思的 是吧
when I pulled up next to you at that stoplight? 红灯的时候我刚好停在你的车旁边
Funny? 有意思
Yeah. Because I was on the phone with my partner... 对 当时我正在和我老公打电话
talking about how
horrible1 his boss was- his. 谈论他的上司多讨厌 他的上司
And then you pull up. So- 然后你刚好停下 所以
Anyway, I'm glad I ran into you. 不管怎么说 很高兴路上碰见你
I'm getting worried they're gonna move up our court date. 我担心他们要把开庭日期提前
I need you to
bust2 ass3 preparing. 所以你要全力做好准备
'Cause if they call us on Monday- 因为一旦周一叫我们去开庭
Uh, you need to get that? 一定要现在看吗
No. It's fine. It's just a... 不是 没关系 只是一张
picture of my daughter
standing4 for the first time. 我女儿第一次站起来的照片
Yeah, they do that. It's a big day. 可以理解 确实值得庆祝
Anyway, I need you here tomorrow. 无论如何 明天你还要来加班
I know it's a Sunday, but, 我知道明天是周日 但是
uh, you think you can be on time, okay? 你肯定会准时到的 好吗
Actually, um, I have plans tomorrow, 其实 明天我有事
uh, so I won't be here. 就不来了
I-I have plans to stay at home 我打算明天待在家里
with my family and do absolutely nothing. Okay. 和家人一起 什么都不做 就这样
But I will see you on Monday. 不过周一我还是会来上班
So, you're in charge now, is that it? 你的意思是 这事你说了算
Well, I just figure if my daughter can stand up, 我才意识到 既然我女儿都能站起来
then so can I. 我也应该起身反抗
All right, look. We've all been working hard lately, okay? 好了 最近大家加班都很辛苦
But that's the job. 但这是工作性质决定的
So either come in tomorrow or don't bother coming back again. 明天不来 你就永远不用来了